No campaign overhaul? Are you serious, Blizzard?

Is it? WC 3 has always had a dedicated fanbase, but it in reality is really quite small. No I presume it’s just an excuse insisting the “community wanted it” to cut corners to still meet a 2019 deadline.


By the “WoW audience” I mean the people who are coming from WoW to WC3 expecting it to basically be an RTS version of WoW.

The only reason why I’m not upvoting this post is that I have run out of upvotes for today. When Butcher is begging Blizzard for a momentous and grandiose change, things are serious.


I played WC 3 several times, even back as a kid. I’m miffed because WoW is the established canon. It’s how they advance the continuity and I just wanted a campaign experience that was in line with everything that was established in canon because much has changed since 2003.

It’s really not that serious.

Guess what.

WC3 didn’t get retconned as hard as people are making it out to be to begin with.

You’ll be fine.

False advertisement is.

True. But the new camera angles were half the deal.


Then I guess Blizzard should stop announcing new games at BlizzCon because this sort of thing happens ALL THE F**KING TIME.

Nobody called it false advertisement before.

??? Legion - journey to the Broken Isles and reach level 110.

In fact, max level is 105. That would have been false advertising. This is false advertising.

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I’m aware development can ebb and flow and not every feature will make it into the game, but this was literally what WC 3 Reforged was supposed to be about though. They’re cutting away the biggest feature most pre-orders were incentivized by.


No, it was supposed to be about a Warcraft 3 remaster. The expanded campaign was meant as a ploy to bring in WoW players who’d never tried the game before.

The WC3 fan base said no, and development setbacks clearly happened earlier this year, so Blizzard decided “what the hell” and scaled back their plans so they could still make their deadline.

We’re getting a reforged campaign. We’re still getting the 2018 version of the Culling. We’re NOT getting all that extra side content that would have required them to re-do every voiced line in the campaign.

Don’t feed the troll. This guy is everywhere making whatever he wants up to suit his illogical narrative.

I don’t understand why a guy is crusading against the optional, marketed Reforged campaign, but that’s what he’s doing. Stop feeding him, as we’re wasting time arguing with him when we could be discussing things with actual people rather than what looks like the typical reddit paid troll.


I’m not. You’re the one pushing an illogical narrative.

Yep, this is definitely my first time hearing you complain. Anyway I think I will just say what we’re all thinking. Give us back all the features advertised in the 2018 demo.


They’ve never been here, so they can’t be “given back”.

They were advertised and still is in the description of the website. Honestly I don’t really care much about WoW lore or retconning the story but it still rubbed me the wrong way.

Except stuff on the same level as the Culling demo from last year. That’s what we’re getting. We’re just not getting all the new missions and lore they wanted to bring in.

I wasn’t expecting that anyway. They mentioned post release they may eventually still patch that in if there’s player demand for it.

What I did expect was the Christie Golden stuff to help connect the bridge to WoW, and the “over 4 hours of reforged cutscenes” is now going to be in the exact same style but with new models, not to mention the immersion-breaking stuff seeing Anasterian or Thalorien Dawnstrider as nothing more than presumably silent units.

Fine but saying that there are no changes whatsoever is completely disingenuous.

Maybe they will be there.