No beta on sight turned us into Zombies

Here’s some versions of Jaina I like.

I wish more Undead units (from what we’ve seen) were a bit more ivory/bone coloured with their flesh. If the Grunts’ horns on their helmet were turned down rather than up, they’d look more intimidating. Arthas’ hair could at least be a bit more golden blonde than wheat blonde. The regular Paladin’s hairstyle is too sharp, tall, and angular if they want to keep the kind of pseudo-crew cut look going. Necromancer’s staff head is way, way too big and kind of ridiculous. The Footman’s sword could use a redesign or at least a different style of blade. I wish the Tauren (both the unit and the Chieftain) were a little less… anthropomorphic bovine and more monstrous minotaur. The Rifleman could be scaled down a bit, the unit’s absolutely massive next to buildings and other units (especially for a dwarf). Troll Headhunters could use way stronger keyframing in their animations for a bit more ‘snap’.

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