No beta on sight turned us into Zombies

Dear developers, do you want us to kill each other, we are getting mad, nonone is bloody calmed down , you think you can throw a bone to us with NE art reveal like we are some puppy, and you think we can tolerate pup-patrol anymore defending your art directions.
It even irritates us more.
You said this patch is beta alike and fixing will occur during Reforged,upgrading etc.
So why you dont do that with art ? Is it possible that outsourcing studio failed that much and you are aware of it by now only? Where have you been 8 bloody months, when beta baby need to born at 9th month of this pregnency
Beta confirmed not to be next week, fine.
Then what about 10th july ?

I will still do my summonings , screw you Robert


Speak for yourself, but a’ight.


Screw you man. You are responsible for beta delay

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Time and place, baby. I’ll even wear something sultry for you.


Shut up, you destroyed every god damn art thread with misleading, spaming, trolling, reporting/flaging, pointless discussion
You flooded every art feedback, tnx for destroying the bloody feedback you are biggest troll i ever bloody saw

You first?

Again, I’m just left marvelling that an opinion or point of view that doesn’t perfectly align with someone else’s (or could even be steeper and an outright disagreement) is seen as “trolling” or invalid feedback.

What I am impressed by though is that you’ve had this new account for a week still. Didn’t you get a 1,000 year/permanent suspension alongside our other good friend?


Now now, we must not let our hate turn into bloodlust or we would not be better than the orcs. Stay calm and carry on, friend.

To each his own opinions. That what I say.


Thats only you care for perma bans and bla bla.

Stop trolling this community and start acting normal dude.
Do some rational posts about art, all i saw is bloody pinky-positive feedback about how great models are glorifying that shlty lemonion studio

That NE “bait”. and beta not next week.
SRSLY rofl.

Says the guy making a thread where the opening post’s contents are all really uppity, instigative, and even nonsensical at some points. A’ight dude, whatever floats your boat. Keep “summoning that beta”, champ. I’m sure you’ll hit the mark one day.

I have. I’ve given my own perspective and take on them (sometimes even making my own amateur Photoshops). I’ve then tried to put myself in the Blizzard designer’s shoes in thinking (and even citing/posting the potential images that could be the inspiration for some of the design elements) about why or where they’re coming from with some of the visuals.

But that’s apparently invalid or not good enough due to really vague and imaginary reasons that all rhyme with “because I say so”, Kantarion. Pray tell me then how I can improve in your eyes. Guide my way with your blessed light from upon high, O radiant one.


You mock at my Jainas face, but you didnt provided your version
Well i see, you are bloody satisfied wiuth everything from reforged

Thats why, why the hell you are squeeze in disscustion with other people when everything is fine about reforged ?
Why dont you just live in your super-pinky outsourcing studio world
Explain me this ?

i personally loved it, but what i didn’t like was the bangs and the eyeshadow.
if omelette doesn’t provide his version, then it’ll be a pleasure for me to provide mine.
even if nobody asked for my opinion in the first place, but giving my opinion without anyone asking became my trade mark at this point


Then do it i want see your version,i want see his version (oh no…he dont want his own versions, everything is bloody perfect)

Here’s some versions of Jaina I like.

I wish more Undead units (from what we’ve seen) were a bit more ivory/bone coloured with their flesh. If the Grunts’ horns on their helmet were turned down rather than up, they’d look more intimidating. Arthas’ hair could at least be a bit more golden blonde than wheat blonde. The regular Paladin’s hairstyle is too sharp, tall, and angular if they want to keep the kind of pseudo-crew cut look going. Necromancer’s staff head is way, way too big and kind of ridiculous. The Footman’s sword could use a redesign or at least a different style of blade. I wish the Tauren (both the unit and the Chieftain) were a little less… anthropomorphic bovine and more monstrous minotaur. The Rifleman could be scaled down a bit, the unit’s absolutely massive next to buildings and other units (especially for a dwarf). Troll Headhunters could use way stronger keyframing in their animations for a bit more ‘snap’.

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Well,lol you should try photoshop edit. Your imaginary perfect jaina (dependable on photoshop skills you got, we will tolerate this part)

Great !!
But i just cant udnerstand how you can tolerate that footman shoulder pads above head and arthas pads, how did you skipped those parts.

Heroes of the Storm except her spaulders and kneepads are scaled down. Change the cloak from the sharper angled one to more of a rectangular shape. Slap magical runes on it (since it’s missing that from the Warcraft 3 depiction). Reduce the height of the crystal spire on her staff. Add team colour where best applicable without erasing too much of the purple (for the Kirin Tor/Dalaran) and white that have been in her main depictions until Battle For Azeroth.

I know right? It’s almost like when people stop getting aggravated about differing opinions or brushing people off as an employee/troll/shill/bootlicker/agent/plant you can actually have a discussion!

Predictive gameplay reasons and understanding why those design elements are so emphasized. Yeah. They look a bit silly up close and personal and we’re going to get a lot of that by cutscenes. But that’s not where the camera always will be. It’s an RTS so it’s an overhead isometric angle. The upper half of characters should be emphasized for clarity alongside other key components and features.

I won’t lie and wish I was at that BlizzCon just for the sole sake of getting my hands on that Culling demo. But watching footage of it, I think my primary source of visual feedback for the Footman is looking for the plume, pauldrons, and shield (alongside obvious stuff like the general scale of the unit - you’d be hard-pressed to mistake the average Footman for a mounted Knight). Yeah, the Reforged Footman isn’t the stark white that the Warcraft 3 Footman is. But to make up for the low resolution textures and huge contrast that lots of Warcraft 3 units have, they’re emphasizing details and proportions. Not something too unfamiliar to the Warcraft series.

I wouldn’t really be confused about having to pick out Arthas (whether it’s in the campaign or if an enemy Human player is using him as a skin in a ladder/melee match) because I can look for, again, the big pauldrons, huge hammer, blonde hair, and long cloak. As well as the general scale/stature of the character (especially since heroes are always much larger than the mass-produced units in most cases).


Again great.
But still i have to disagree about shoulder pads, cause rts bird view thing works for armor go wider for 2 coordinates, but not for ultra boosted reforged height.
Ofc, while resizing it should be done proportionally, so you dont get pancakes.

I mean we saw some hots models having super ridicilous shoulder pads, but they never go above head.

Its unecessery and silly, and it provoces healthy brain and wont change a thing ingame.
And i think we will all agree “heroic” armors and such a stuff exist in warcraft universe.
But not like this…No way

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your wish is granted


He’s speaking for MomoiroCrosse’s demon army. No taxation without representation.

yeah that fool thinks he can doom all of you with his pathetic demons
without knowing that I will be the one to end y’all

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I don’t know, most of your complaints are something like:

“This is not a 100% copy pasted design from WarCraft 3, then it’s bad”

It was clear to me when you complained about our beloved Druid of the Talon, on his wc3 outfit it would look exactly like medivh imho.

Jaina also is another example, there are some proportions to fix, but her model is on the right direction, she infact looks like her HotS render