New update incoming!

They unpinned, get ready guys!
Last time when they unpinned prev update they rolled out next shortly


tomorrow?next week?

Today or tomorrow should be

Let’s hope so, I want custom games, especially vs the AI :slight_smile:


Nice notice Fullmetal! Haha I remember last weeks NE patch suspense. Honestly, pretty awesome Blizz released an update that late, plus… it did fit the race haha.


Between unpinning and patch going live, I think the time was roughly 4 hours.

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same its so relaxing to play against AI after work.

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Can not wait for AI VS games :slight_smile: really hope the update arrives soon!


You can play against the AI solo if you know how to use the World Editor.


hes blizzard propaganda mashine now. he SOLD his a$$ to em.

reforged is the best :slight_smile:


What is in the new update

Should be custom lobbies and custom games

any graphical update?

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When is coming?

any graphical update?

I think not and i am certain, there will be NO graphical updates in beta. Graphics will be in release. They could only fix models.
Beta is only for general features testing, not for demonstrating graphics.

When is coming?

Any moment I guess


Explain this with argument please…

They already had graphical updates. The naga was even changed a bit.

That is not graphics update man wtf.
Is just a change in the same thing.

Explain this with argument please…

This is Debug build of game. (if you dont know google difference between release and debug builds). Debug build binaries (.exe/.dll files) has more weight in megabytes, has lower performance but their crash dumps much more efficient to analyze, usually there are a lot data collection in debug build and a lot of stuff disabled. This is necessary because they need to test some features without visuals and other stuff to be sure it is working well.

On BlizzCon it was Demo. Demo is release build, but with limited features/missions. Demo looks polished and smoothly running. Purpose of Demo is only impress and demonstrate how good it looks.

What we got now it’s a beta. Beta not for demostrating features, but for testing them. Usually visuals are messing up testing process and most of them are disabled. They could update gamma or something else, but don’t count on something like shaders, high fps, ultra HD shadows, antialiasing etc. Full quality visual picture will be only after release.

This is only my opinion, of course, but it is closest to reality.