New DLC continuing the campaign after Illidan-Arthas battle

Please create a dlc campaign of 10 or more scenarios following the battle of Illidan-Karthas showing Arthas(lich King) downfall so we have the story complete and you can have all my money :stuck_out_tongue: .Thank you,you are the best Blizzard!!! <3


Would be some WoW story as War3 campaign DLC which I totally support.


Yes, please.
Lets piss off the WoW community saying: “WoW is not canon. WoW is just a spin-off.”
This is the type of trolling i like.

Being more serious, i don’t know why blizzard listen the fanboys anyway. The fanboys will like their product one way or another, so who cares whit their opinion?

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I would certainly pay for some DLC campaigns, either them being original stories or simply a RTS retelling of major WoW plotlines, like:

*Ahn’Quraj: being a Human or Orc campaign, maybe even NE
*Naxxaramas: I imagine it being an Undead campaign up until the point the Alliance muster enough forces to fight back, then you invade Naxxaramas itself as Human
Burning Crusade: So many campaigns can be created from here, like a Maiev campaign while she struggles to survive in Outland up until the point Illidan captures her, there could be a Human/Orc campaign while you fight through Outland to defeat Vashj, Kael and Illidan, or if Blizzard could bother creating the new models, even an Illidan campaign with a custom race of Fel Orcs/Naga/Draenei
*Wrath of the Lich King: Playing as Human, Orc or Forsaken while fighting back the Scourge all the way to Icecrown or a Human mini campaign exploring the Storm Peaks and Ulduar

I’m less convinced that campaigns exploring the remaining WoW expansions would work as well as the ones above. Like, how would you go and create a Cataclysm campaign? That thing was all over the place. Pandaria could work, but I’m not sure that people would be excited about playing as or with pandas. WoD… Let’s not talk about that. Anything else is far too recent to be developed into a campaign I think.


I still think any DLC campaigns are to be made, first it should be of past battles in the lore. Like War of the Shifting Sand or Troll Wars. And then maybe make campaigns based on the WoW story, which I believe is entirely possible.


A good DLC campaign would be the War of the Ancients where Tyrande, Malfurion, Shandris, Dath’remar, and Elisande do their thing against Aszhara

A good bonus DLC campaign would be the adventures of Auric Sunchaser as he searchers endlessly for Turalyon and Alleria and he also helps manages the remaining Alliance in Outland. I think the climax would be him later encountering his Blood Elf kin and the Illidari and him helping defend the uncorrupted Draenei


I’d love to see them make a campaign out of varian wrynns adventures as lo’gosh. but more than that i would love to see them finish the base game within the timeframe they set out when they let us pre-purchase.


If it is DLC, it needs new models. Otherwise it can be just made in map editor without much effort.

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WoW IS a spin-off. Don‘t know why you try to be sarcastic here.

I think this is an awesome idea!! :slight_smile:


You have custom campaigns and maps in tousands on Hiveworkshop that deal with WoW stories or inbetween stories. Stop asking for “official” things and just start browsing what community has made, you have exacly that in several dosen variations. Just go to the Hiveworkshop website and see for yourself, tousands of models made for Warcraft III, and on it and Epicwar hundreds of tousands of maps, hundreds of campaigns, tools. We dont need blizzard, we didnt need them for so many years, seriously just look around those. They are very often very professionaly made and even have dubbing.


Hum…in the bubble i was put, people treat WoW as some type of holiness.
Good to know of that.

As far as they add campaign missions, which are not related to WoW (trash) lore, i am up for it… and would p(l)ay it even if it costed 100$.
I do play WoW for over 13 years, and i still do, but the WoW lore is beyond trash.
And i strongly believe RTS and MMORPG lore should not be connected nor similar.

Because ruining some characters only because you need players something to loot from, is beyond disrespecting anyone playing this apart from multiplayer.

So if they ever decide for that (which i am 100% sure won’t happen in Reforged, but rather WC4 when they make it) i honestly hope they don’t just blindly make same lore on RTS, since i am not sure who would be dumb enough to play same thing twice.
(Especially when that thing makes 0 sense).

do not confuse fanboys with a55lickers

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This could be a great opportunity for the further development of the game - additional campaigns for events both subsequent and previous. If the “fans” of the game were not so violently opposed to the WoW lore and all that happened to the universe after the release of TFT. And so we are likely to get a game that in six months or a year will be completely forgotten or interesting due to custom maps. And championships, maybe.


(10 minimum char trash site)

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The game is not dead now nor will it be in 6 months.
If you think an RTS game with way better lore than stupid WoW’s needs WoW’s trash lore to stay on life you are wrong.

People who care about lore would rather be in status quo until they decide to make WC4, rather than have this WoW nonsense.
And yes i am WoW player and i say this, so don’t start with: oh if you played wow you would get it.

I am perfectly aware of that lore, and i am perfectly aware of the mutilation they did with certain characters as well, only to make the game more attractive and drop loot.

So i don’t need trash lore which will follow WoW lore, to keep wc3 alive, multiplayer base will keep playing it as it is playing now, and it will rise on full release, even though it’s preety mechanicely difficult game.

So don’t come up here to wc3 forums to talk about how awesome that WoW trash is, you have plenty of forums and threads there to do so.



Blizzard will not simultaneously develop two universes of Warcraft. They have enough problems and with one, just look at what is happening with WoW. There are more than enough strange and absurd plot twists, retcons, fitting the universe plot to gameplay, etc. But at the moment this is the canon of the universe, which includes Warcraft 3. And it will be very naive to believe that Blizzard will create story DLCs or new campaigns for Reforged, the events of which will contradict the events of WoW and books released after Warcraft 3. The game will live of course. Thanks to multiplayer and custom maps. But there will be no plot development. There will be no new stories and events.

to be fair WoW was decent until Cataclysm. It went a bit downhill at MoP and then the lore just got straight up butchered in WoD. Then there comes the massive retcons in Legion; and BFA is a trainwreck.

But still, I think the MMO part could be just adjusted into RTS where in my headcanon, the players are just representations of the actual characters, and then the “raids” or whatevers could be the said characters leading bases or dungeon crawls to the enemies and/or their bases

I’d like to know what example you have in mind

It just keeps going on and on, WoW retconned the Chronicles, WoW retconned Wolfheart, A Good War retconned Before the Storm, WoW retconned Day of the Dragon, Warcraft 3 retconned Warcraft 2, and people still treat the latter as some holy grail of perfect lore; I’m sure the “alternate post-WC3” universe will be fine. Besides, even WoW players are already getting fed of the WoW retcons a breath of fresh air would be so nice.

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I don’t want DLCs. I have already paid 30$ but it seems everything not ready for release. I hope they release as perfect…:disappointed:

Since you want WC3R to be perfect, let us pool all the inconsistencies in the Classic WC3 to be fixed in Reforged:

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