Moving speed or the harvest ability of wisps should nerf

The wisps of NE, costed the least among the four races, moving the fast and being able to harvest wood at any distance. It is the strongest unit to scout at begin and no need to worry to feed exp to others’ hero, as it can sacrifice.

Either the cost or the moving speed or the harvest ability of the wisps should be nerfed.

No, wisp cannot defend himself has no attack! => any peon/peasant/ acolyte can kill wisps.
You have a lot of bad ideas Mister not so @DrGeniusSir !

a rare agreement with Cat.

Wisps are the weakest worker unit, they are literal sitting ducks while gathering wood, they are actually consumed by construction of most buildings, and the only thing they can do to help your base defense is blow up.

Wsps cost the least because they are part of the cost of every treant constructed, and are consumed in the process.

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Yes actually I proposed to increase the Range and Manna steal - when Wisp detonates (Blown up) because is very hard to aim the exact spot !!!
Eg. a lot of times spirit wolves just move little bit and you just lost 60 gold detonating. And you do that with 3-4 wisp so 300-400 gold lost that is enough to revive a hero or build a expo.

So no thanks, bad ideas to nerf wisp, better someone nerf your ideas Mister @DrGeniusSir!

I don’t think the “attack” ability of peasants is any useful when they are killed. If possible, I every Hum player wants them to move as fast as wisps, so no one can chase them, and self-killed to eliminate the summons to avoid feeding.

when somebody is killed usually is not useful anymore :smiley:
Sorry man to say but in my opinion you troll again.

By the way Human peasant can be converted to militia so you increase a lot peasant speed and armor. In comparison Human peasant or militia HAVE ATTACK, while wisp CANNOT DO ANY DAMAGE !!! Except if blown up take manna but did not hurt casters, or in few cases do damage only to Summoned units:

  • wolves,
  • water elemental,
  • beetles,
  • treants or
  • Misha bear
    Pretty much those are the summoned units! But than your wisp is dead so 60 gold lost.

And my remark is you must be very very precise on blow up location to achieve this (in other words is hard to aim because wolves move faster). Sure I am not pro gamer but they should fix that! NE in early game need a lot of micro.
Lets mention also harvest ability - is 5 wood vs.10 for peon/peasant (peasants can be upgraded on harvest) or 20 for ghoul.

In conclusion Wisps are TOO WEAK, I want at least this aim issue to be fixed (more range) and increase also manna burn!

Eg. also : Wisp detonation/dispel bug! - #5 by Cat-21912

It’s a lot more useful than blowing up and removing some mana if you ask me. At least peons and peasants have a chance to survive, if wisps are attacked you literally just blow them up so the enemy doesn’t get xp- there is basically no saving them.

after seeing 3 threads of this guy on the front page begging devs to nerf units that are already bad im convinced hes either the worst player of all time or a troll.


True, I said also!