Mouse lag unplayable

Hi guys I’ve not played for a few weeks and just downloaded the new update but now it’s unplayable with severe mouse lag even on the options screen :frowning: any help?


I dont have mouse lag.
Did you remove enchanged mouse precision from the win10 settings?
I told that months ago why you never listen.

I’ve just played a 4x4 in northern felwood, clean match, no lag at all, no problem at all. Check your devices or pc.

Been playing games off and on last 3 days.
Lag is certain. No other games lags like this. Hard stuttering all game long. Ridiculous.

Ive never experienced a shark attack. I guess they dont exist.


For me, changing the screen resolution (!) on my computer fixed this problem to some extent. I’m now playing on low resolution, lul.

Right? Oh one guy played a single game with no mouse lag, problem solved boys


it has definitely been laggy since new patch. lag spikes have been reported by many people . my ping has been jumping all over the place. im sure blizzard is aware because ive seen other posts like this one. hopefully they are looking into this

I had mouse lag before the reforged update. It felt like I was dragging my cursor through water. 1. The game was using my intel instead of my nvidia card. 2. Changing the resolution to another, then back solved it.

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Before reforged it was known they were working on some resolution changes. Pointer was also misplaced.
For the lag in the menu, it’s most probably about chrome configuration. I solved it on chrome in 2 seconds but obviously there is no way whatsoever to fix it in blizzard chrome since Blizzard changed policy to “I know better than you all”.
It’s just about chrome switching to software rendering with some specific graphic cards. Will we ever be able to decide how WE (the people who payed for) enjoy to play this game?

I’m honestly having more fun playing WCI these days…

Maybe this works:

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Sadly there are lots of option for the original WC3, but less than 0 for the so called reforged.
Oh no wait, there is one, “launch64bit”, but even if you change it it gets reverted when you launch the game… silliness at its best…
(btw there are options for WC1, WC2, WC3, D1, D2, SC1, SC2…)

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I also had mouse and I reinstalled video card drivers and it fixed it! Maybe it will work for you?