reforged status is active, trying to enter the key - already been claimed. these keys are 16 yo, maybe i claimed them on my old inactive wow account many years ago, i dont remember, but i’ve been playing with these keys on bnet(bless you) for years!!
My keys are 100% linked to the Only account I have. I did all the BS like the mod suggested, I don’t like that I just get locked out of a game I’v been playing
just fine for years.
Hey again,
I was not very clear on the “what comes next” part of these steps. I apologize. If the steps I gave fail, contacting our support team directly is best.
This error is caused by the app and game not seeing that you actually own it for some reason. If you did the steps, then we need to double check things are right on our side.
Please when you do contact us, include the keys or the order for the keys on the account.
should i enter the keys to play classic graphic only?
i cant enter the keys, i think they are on my old wow acc.
I have put a tix in to confirm my keys. I guess its all I can do at this point. Thanks for the help so far. I have the case in front of me looking at the keys in real time…I hope I own them lol…like i’v been playing this game for years with np and now it’s all just stupid.
wrote a ticket
log in your account, —> account overview —> Redeem a code ed insert cd key Roc and Tft. and start game^^
Same problem here. Roc/TFT Keys are alrdy claimed (which is correct cuz I linked them some years ago). Removed battle net app, all temp/program data/appdata etc files, rebooted, reinstalled, still not working. Standard TFT user. I guess Blizz will receive a lot of tickets.
same here!!!
i did this and needed to close the game and restart the starter program and it appears to be working.
Same issue here! ROC and TFT CD key owner!!!
Hey there sketos,
I noticed the ROC key was not added to the Blizzard account until after this post was made. Did the issue get resolved after adding the key to your Blizzard account?
Hey djRUb,
I noticed the account you’re logging in with does not have any keys claimed. Could you try logging in with the original account the keys were claimed to?
I have. I have the case in front of me and I’m looking right at a game I can no longer play…This is crazy and i’m getting mad.You lost a sale on this. And i’m really going to rethink buying anything from you guys going foreword. I love Overwatch and HOTS but You are nuts if you think im buying Overwatch Two after this crapp. Not that you care. whats 60bucks to blizz/actt I’m just a nobody gamer and I can go take a hike. " I noticed the ROC key was not added to the Blizzard account until after this post was made." Are you saying that I added it? it’s still not working…
Hi Kaldraydis,
I have also tried the same process with this account. If I remember correctly the cdkeys should be connected to this account and indeed not the other one.
Hey again,
I don’t see any keys for this account either. It should be possible to verify any keys attached to your account by logging in to and clicking “Games & Subscriptions.” - If no CD key is listed, and you have not purchased Reforged, then the account does not have the game on it.
If you need any help locating the account the keys were claimed to, please Contact Support directly. Provide them with a photo of the physical keys if possible to make it easier for them to search the account.
Neither of my CD Keys fit the format presented on my account overview. I tried anyway and unsurprisingly it didn’t work. What now?
i have the same issue and contacted live support and they told me my keys have already been claimed in 2010 but i have been playing on them myself since before then on this entire thing is a joke. they are just trying to get cash out of us all thats it
there is also nowhere to buy new keys, and if you buy some cd keys somewhere else, likely they have already been used by someone who no longer plays. i have 2 sets of discs that are both claimed i have been playing on for over 10 years that i never claimed myself. F BLIZZARD! Trying to milk the cow dry here
I wont be buying overwatch 2 either. too many updates and nerfs and garbage BS like this makes me want to not support Blizzard.
I Guess thats it then…I can go take a hike huh. Well I’m mad now and for whats it’s worth I’m going to go on twitter and reditt and 4-chan and tell my story and get involved with others that this has affected. We are the player base for this game and yesterday we found out how much you care about the players of your games.
5 posts were split to a new topic: BossBigger - Error Handling Request, Unable to Contact Support