MacOS Custom Map location

Applications/Warcraft3/Maps holds non custom maps. These show up in a search for .w3m files.

Where are custom maps? I cannot find the location, and they don’t show up in search.

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if you download a map from another player in-game the map will automatically be placed into the folder Warcraft3/Maps/Downloads

You can find it as follows:

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Press and hold the OPTION/ALT key down, then go to the Finder menu in the top menu bar and open the “Go” menu. When you are holding the OPTION/ALT key down, the Library option will appear in the dropdown menu. Click “Library”. Now you are in the Library folder.
  3. Open Application Support → Blizzard → Warcraft III.
  4. Create a “Maps” folder, if it does not exist.
  5. Place your map files in the Maps folder.

I’ve tried this and No luck at all with new 1.31 update mac os x


Perfect for me.
Thank you :slight_smile:

thanks! Finally I can try insane monsters campaign on Mac

Did anyone already found it on MacOS?
I have manually added in every single location I can think off
/usr/*/Appl Support/Warcraft III (WarcraftIII, Warcraft3, Warcraft 3)/Maps/
/Applications/Warcraft 3/Maps
/Library/Appl.Suprt/Warcraft III (WarcraftIII, Warcraft3, Warcraft 3)/Maps/

7 versions of the same, zero results so far…

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Also worked for me, thank you!

P.S. Make sure to navigate to Application Support → Blizzard → Warcraft 3 (I was going to app support > warcraft 3 and ofc it wouldn’t work that way)