First of all UD has had basically zero hero variety in the last 15 years. Even Dreadlord first is more of a cheese which doesn’t work against competent players as shown by 120 when he lost against Human, Elf and Orc with it.
Dk first was needed because UD simply doesn’t work without the aura. UD units have 0 natural health regen off blight and without the dagger no way to heal. Ghouls have terrible stats for their cost and face immense powercreep thanks to recent patches. Everything they face from heroes to most earlygame units received buffs.
The Crypt Lord is the first summon hero for UD and UD never had a summon hero. As with all summon heroes, level 3 is crucual. We see the entire HU vs Orc matchup revolve around Orc trying to deny Water Elementals level 2 from the AM while teching to Shaman. If AM is able to reach level 3 and manage to deny the Spirit Lodge, Human gets a massive advantage.
Of course Crypt Lord works in a similar way. His level 3 is also powerful. But since he is a low intelligence hero, constanly summoning Beetles leaves him with no options to use impale until he gets statues of buys mana potions. That is his weakness. He isn’t really playable against Elf due to early dispel. Human and Orc both have options to deal with summons and of course players need some time to adapt, but already found ways. Orc can simply hide peons inside burrows and Human has access to towers and magic sentry which denies burrow.
Beetle harass can be easily compared to Keeper Harass with Treants. The answer is both the same.
Orcs have already shown a completely new way to counter Crypt Lord with Farseer + Headhunter strat. See here:
Humans have also shown that AM is able to deal with Crypt Lord. But even more exciting is Bloodmage vs Crypt Lord! Bloodmage was already played against UD in the past, but not very often. It is certainly a viable strat when paired up with Mountain King and Paladin.
A very successful game with Bloodmage against Crypt Lord here:
Talk about competitive:
So far we have mostly seen europeans play with him. But from the best UD players, we have only see one single Crypt Lord game from 120 and his opponent Focus (Orc) was very well prepared. We have still not seen how the best players play with and against him after they had more time to prepare. It will be very exciting to see how players refine strategies with and against him. Since we have already seen 2 successful strategies against him, he is not unbeatable at all. And not comparable to old Keeper of the Grove who was able to entangle and kill anything that moves on the map with level 3.
For now he is new and fresh and very exciting. But in the Asian scene Deathknight first is still played most of the time. Crypt Lord is in no way comparable to what Keeper and Alchemist used to be when Matt Morris made Nightelf the most broken and overpowered race in the entire game. So far he seems like the might compete with DK for first hero choice. And that doesn’t mean he is overpowered, that means mission accomplished in terms of giving UD more hero variety!