List of things that are wrong with Reforged

You literally said it wasn’t true and listed the major change in the same sentence. Where’s the disconnect?

I would say that 1/3rd are exagerations/lies and 1/3rd are not valid, but about 1/3rd are true, and that is a problem.

The greatest sin of Warcraft 3: Reforged - It is not the Definitive Way to play Warcraft 3 in terms of Content, Features and Performance. Compare and Contrast to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - It has EVERYTHING AoE II HD had up to that point and then some, a reworked UI with Covenience-focussed changes, a noted graphical and sound upgrade without breaking AoE II’s greatest advantage - It can run on near anything. It lives up to its title as the Definitive Version of Age of Empires II (to date).

Reforged, on the other hand, is lighter on Features and Content with a noted hit to performance. It’s graphics are poorly optimized leading it to lose Warcraft 3’s greatest strength as a product - it can run on near anything.

Wait what? There are no custom campaign made by users anymore? I can’t even play the old ones i saved on my pc? :open_mouth:


Only maps can be played for now. If you want to play custom campaign, try to open every mission as a single map.

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