1 LAN removed.
2 Region locking for custom games.
3 TFT balance changes are applied to RoC campaign playthroughs.
4 TFT/RoC Bnet 1.0 is shut down. If you have them applied to your Bnet account, you now own the “free” ‘Classic’ version of Reforged on the Bnet launcher, which has shadows locked to Reforged owners only, lacks shaders, and has off-color saturdation.
5 “Problematic voice lines have been removed.” (ex. Dryad’s I’m so wasted)
6 For 0 reason, Thrall now never says “Grom” but always “Hellscream”.
7 All non-English voices have been entirely re-cast. English Arthas has been replaced with WoW Arthas. Translations/Localizations are reportedly bad/full of errors.
8 Animations and Models have been outsourced to Lemonsky Studios (Who have worked on SC:R, Gears 5, FF14 expansions, and a host of other games, so its not a question of skill).
9 Unit movement locked to 20 FPS (The units move as badly and as clunky as BW units did.)
10 Only 1 CGI was changed (Intro) and only a few in-game cinematics were changed (Sylvanas Banshee/Illidan VS Arthas/One Other I forget)
11 No new campaigns or story lines (They promised expanded content on Jaina, Sylvanas, and how Arthas got his horse).
12 New UI was scrapped, game uses old blocky 4:3 UI with no control group UI.
13 Keybindings can only be changed by editing the ini file.
14 Charging money for extra/new models
15 Custom Campaigns have been removed.
16 3D animated Campaign Backgrounds and Portraits are gone.
17 Clans are gone.
18 Automated tournaments are gone.
19 Profiles are gone.
20 Ladders are gone.
21 Communal chat listings are gone. Also, you’re always stuck in general chat in the bottom right. Cannot hide/opt out/remove it. Chat functionalities are missing, disabled, or removed.
22 Always online.
23 ToS change to map editor that all IP/ideas made in map maker now belong to Blizzard. This means anything you create within WC3 can never be recreated.
24 Old menu and UI designs have been replaced with Reforged’s designs.
25 Arranged teams has been removed.
26 Reconnection via GProxy has been removed.
27 Desyncs and crashes in custom games had become a thing of the past by 2018 with WC3 modernization patches
28 Bot features removed include Online Lobby Listings and In-game chat available from a browser and Competitive Custom Games (auto balance and matchmaking ELO systems for each custom map)
29 Censorship of Lobby/Map names. So for example, if you name your Lobby ‘Booty Bay’ after the map called Booty Bay, claims are you get kicked or can’t create lobbies.
30 When bots were removed, they gave people the ability to ban someone permanently from entering games you hosted. Now with reforged patch, you have to reban someone after every game.
31 Ping/Latency are worse in Reforged patch.
32 Hack/maphack protections have been reduced or removed.
33 Anti-spam protection has been reduced or removed.
34 Game/replay archives are supposedly being hampered in some way according to forum posts (but not sure how/to what extent)
35 You can no longer create/host private offline skirmishes for yourself vs AI. Which means limited pausing skirmishes. They must be a ‘custom game’ as apart of the ‘custom game lobby’ and marked as private.
36 This could be taken any number of ways, but in their “Special Thanks” section they give thanks to Metzen, Morhaime, Pardo…and Kotick. But NOT Sam Didier, whose art style is responsible for Warcraft 3’s art and indeed a lot of Blizzard’s 00s/10s art style being what it is. This is revealed as the song he sings (Power of the Horde) plays in the background.
37 They removed the original Error Icon with Sam Didier’s young face on it and replaced it, some say with Kim Phan, who was a part of SC2’s esports scene and left the company long before WC3:R was likely even an idea.
38 The menu is in HTML/a web browser functionality.
39 If you do not have internet access, you can ONLY PLAY CAMPAIGN. Period. That’s it.
40 ‘Custom’ setting of keybinds still directs players to manually edit the .ini for bindings and lists game as being in Beta.
41 If your original WC3/TFT installation is updated via Bnet, it deletes your existing folder of custom maps. New Lines Found After Covering On Podcast
42 Reporting a user does not block/mute them. There is no block/mute function in WC3:R chat.
43 Cheats only work on campaign mode now. Because there is no offline skirmish mode, even if you only have bots in a private online custom games, you cannot use cheats.
44 They removed the Cutscene Editor from World Editor in Reforged.
45 Reforged and “Classic” campaign play-throughs have their own save files. They are wholly incompatible, and invisible, to each other. To experience the campaign on both graphics, you have to play it through in its entirety twice.
46 Progress earned on campaign while in “offline mode” is not saved/recognized by the game, despite it writing the progress to local text files.
47 Missing visuals, portraits
48 No Ultrawide monitor support
49 Lazy and reused unit animations
50 bad art/textrues (ex ground has no depth, layers, or details compared to the original game)
Comments, additions, corrections?