List of things that are wrong with Reforged

Is this really a question?

The world has become more sensitive not less. You could get away with a lot of stuff in the 90s, and a lot of stuff would just be followed up with a “so what?”

21 Communal chat listings are gone. Also, you’re always stuck in general chat in the bottom right. Cannot hide/opt out/remove it. Chat functionalities are missing, disabled, or removed.

Also the fact that you are automatically connected to General chat. It’s not fun opening the game and getting spammed with profanities right in the start screen.

so many, yet so true

if you uninstall the game, blizzard does not track your progress; causing you to restart the game. I understand this was in the original but the game should be updated to modern standards. Basically i have to restart the human campaign all over again.

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When will there already be a fix that will add the visual level shown to us in the demo version on Con 18??? When will you add that very visual post-processing! ???

All they need to fix the schedule is all. When will there already be a fix that will add the visual level shown to us in the demo version on Con 18 !! ?? When will you add that very visual post-processing! Where is the lighting? Where are the shadows? there is nothing, I have not seen such plainness anywhere else. It is not really not clear that if the release had a picture of the Con 18 demo level, they would also be forgiven for not converted cut scenes, because on such a graph the old classic cut scenes would have looked powerful. And they would be forgiven for technical flaws, the game would then have received its honest 6 points for metacritic.

Indeed. Until then, you can back up campaign progress. It seems to be wise to do in general since both patches so far have wiped progress.

toooo easy even on hard… bro… i was bored as hell playing roc camaping…

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Uh no, it hasn’t

Samwise doesn’t get special thanks because he still works at Blizzard.

That is not entirely the point. Modern games all backup peoples saves over all platforms in the cloud, making backup not needed. Still, your right that i should just backup games anyhow as even the cloud can fail to backup stuff at times.

Oh and for the sake of players that don’t know how to keybind [mousebutton 4] and random BS, please add keybind interface to the game. Using a ini was lazy and blizzard could certainly have done better.

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You missed: -new death sounds make it more difficult to know which unit died
-New team colours include ugly white and sh*t brown.


lmaooooo, this pathetic company. Honestly surprised no one removed this thread by how hard it exposes Blizzard.


Pretty simple really, this was supposed to be a “reforging” and not a “remaster” and it was supposed to update and improve everything. Instead, they failed to upgrade anything besides skins and ruined/downgraded most things.


It may not be new to a broad Blizzard customer, but if you don’t care about StarCraft 2, then chances are you never saw this change and are first introduced to it with Reforged. And then it’s completely acceptable that the outrage happens when it involves them.

Also as far as I know, the WC3 modding community has been vastly more active (mostly back in the day) than SC2’s (or SC in general) modding community ever was. SC2 tried to bring WC3’s modding community to SC, but I don’t think it stuck at all.

So anyone who remembered WC3 and the vast modding activity who wished to relive that experience and passion, is met with a “Blizzard now owns anything you create with Blizzard software, even if it’s a concept.”. That might outrage some, either out of fear of independence, (will Blizzard suddenly claim ownership of a concept and start selling it as their own and deny you any rights?) or the audacity to claim ownership over any concept that is represented through the use of Blizzard’s intellectual property as a media platform.

That would be similar to like Twitch. tv (the space because links are not allowed and apparently writing an URL as text is a link that cannot be unlinked… GG formatting) claiming inherent ownership over all content, concepts or ideas shared through their platform. That ship wouldn’t float.

That is because the forum is unmoderated. Just look at last blue post date.

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You literally said it wasn’t true and listed the major change in the same sentence. Where’s the disconnect?

I would say that 1/3rd are exagerations/lies and 1/3rd are not valid, but about 1/3rd are true, and that is a problem.

The greatest sin of Warcraft 3: Reforged - It is not the Definitive Way to play Warcraft 3 in terms of Content, Features and Performance. Compare and Contrast to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - It has EVERYTHING AoE II HD had up to that point and then some, a reworked UI with Covenience-focussed changes, a noted graphical and sound upgrade without breaking AoE II’s greatest advantage - It can run on near anything. It lives up to its title as the Definitive Version of Age of Empires II (to date).

Reforged, on the other hand, is lighter on Features and Content with a noted hit to performance. It’s graphics are poorly optimized leading it to lose Warcraft 3’s greatest strength as a product - it can run on near anything.

Wait what? There are no custom campaign made by users anymore? I can’t even play the old ones i saved on my pc? :open_mouth:


Only maps can be played for now. If you want to play custom campaign, try to open every mission as a single map.

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