Keep Characters As They Were in WC3 not WoW

Totally agreed, those plate armors she uses on her knees, chest and shoulders pads… Can’t be considered all cloth…and exactly…over 20 years of warcraft and Jaina using the same outfit…
Additionally I forgot to mention… There are sooo many outlets right now for warcraft… U have wow… U have heroes… You have hearthstones… While is important to keep the characters consistent… Is it necessary to keep them the exact same?

They should keep using wow art style its far more superior then old cartoony style!!!

Wow distinctive look is cartoon style… You can clearly see in the proportions…
If they want to make WOw rts… They should please please change the name from warcraft 3 to something else

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Unfortunately, based on the Dev’s responses at Blizzcon, they said they’re looking to “bring them more in line with their WoW counterparts.”

Personally, I’m not a big fan of this decision, and I think catering to the WoW audience is a mistake, and a slight slap to the face for long-time Wc3 fans.


Loved this. That’s is the sad truth… Appealing to the masses is what his desition point towards… I’ve been playing warcraft games for over 20 years… And it feels like a slap in the face, they are prioritizing newcomers to the franchise that are probably gonna play for 1 month and then forget about the game… Instead of the faithful loyal to the franchise costumers… Terrible desition… This is the same reason wow has gone down the hill


Oh my gosh, you guys… Making few thing to make the game more consistent with the overall lore is not “catering for the WoW audience”. Stop being so butt hurt :sweat_smile:


Not butt hurt my good man, as I said before in tyrandes example, changing her blue hair to the actual green hair would be problematic, and I understand why the would keep the actual color, that’s consistency, changing the clothing is not consistency… Is basically saying the character had no development over the years. If tomorrow the decide to change a characters appereance like they did with Jaina and more recently tyrande, wouldn’t make a big issue… It’s basically evolving… But again this is warcraft 3…is not evolving… Is going back


So far from what Ive seen, the hero models seen in Blizzcon demo and the character portraits seen in WC3 page look rather good. All the 8 different portraits there look more or less what I would want them to look like, but Im looking forward that Blizzard would reveal the look of the actual character models of most heroes in coming months and gather feedback from them before deciding the final designs. Either way I quess there are always going to be people who are not going to be happy, but so far the only unit design that I hope will get changed is ghoul…looks too much like the ones in WoW, I would want them to look more skinny/skeleton like, not so much flesh around them and what flesh would be there, should hang around the corpse/from bones.

That’s my hope that this could work as feedback in order to make changes…i think something people don’t understand from my post is… They think I don’t like wow style… And that’s not the point… I love how some characters appearance evolved…
To he clear i also like wow style… Is just simply what I would not expect from warcraft 3


Well I agree with some sprewsing up for the characters like Arthas’ armor, Uther’s look. But I don’t agree to just take away and add something flashy/revealing or uncharacteristic altogether.

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Well to be honest and fair I think Jaina did have an even more revealing clothing during war3…


I think her WC3 outfit were just a top and pants. It’s the same outfit she wears in HoS, except her Theramore Skin where she retains the top and wears a long dress instead of pants (basically what she was wearing in Vanilla WoW).

Pants would be the only warcraft 3 piece I think… Her top in war3 was a white shirt, not metal, and only one visible shoulder pad, on one side, her cloak would cover half of her body front and back, she also didn’t have plate armor on her knees

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I would really like to see how Blizzard does the character design for Akama. His design and race was retconned so much from a “Draenei” that originally had a “Lost One” design to a “Broken” which mixed the design of both “Eredar” and “Lost One” into one package lol.

Hahahaha that would indeed be very interesting to see, althou akama if I remember well didn’t have an unique model… So he’s design wouldn’t be very conflicting

The WC3 model might not be super detailed, but it did have certain details which are obviously there. I think those should be retained.

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The less WoW influences Reforged the better. This applies to the story equally, but I risk derailing a topic about character depictions.

As for Tyrande. I am not a fan of her model in either WoW or HotS. She would be far better if they stayed with the color scheme and theme of the original WCIII, or alternatively the Mooncloth robe of Vanilla WoW. While the white robe may not fit well with the amazon theme, there is some speculation about it being quite fitting among the druids of the Celts, though I think source material is inconclusive at best and deceptive at worst.

However, it does illustrate her well in the role of priestess, and belies her cunning as general and deadliness as a warrior. Taking a page from Yagyu Munenori (swordmaster to Tokogawa Iemitsu), “deception is the foundation of the martial arts.” Also, from Sun Tsu, “a military operation involves deception.”

I know WoW doesn’t like to do subtle imagery, but now is a good time to start and free themselves from Disney like they should have done a long time ago.


I agree with everything about keeping the original hero appearance as truthful as possible… but with one thing you’ve said I definietly don’t agree…
That Culling of Stratholme hill man! That hill is legendary! Arthas overlooks the city from the hill. Uther and Jaina look up to him as he stands on the hill. The hill has seen so much… The hill is everything… So I’ve definietly noticed that he is standing on a bridge this time around.
Jokes aside I think they should indeed keep many things unchanged to do justice to the magic of W3, including the campaign hero clothings and color schemes.


THE HILL!!! haha sounds funny,but u said it and I instantly remembered that hill,yeah is sort of a landmark there,those are the small details that could make some difference, I really hope this feedback can reach Blizz and they can make some change, some players dont want more of the same,some people dont want characters to look like in wow,in wow they look cool,yeah i get it…doesnt mean that,thats the only cool there is, give them their old clothing, makes sense the look difference 15 years ago


Ye well I was just re-reading “War of the Ancients” trilogy and there she wears armor when she goes to the battlefield along with the rest of her fellow priestesses of Elune, while serving in the Temple, she had ofc robes…imho her model in HotS is not bad at all, I would gladly take something according to that. However her hair should definitely be bluish in color, like it was in her original Warcraft III art until they redone her model later in WoW and changed that color to green (and in Hots its somewhere in between)

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