it’s a fancy way for them to say ‘remastered’
Nope. that’s not possible.
You can’t sell bananas as potatoes.
When you say ‘I don’t wanna see Jaina/Thrall’
Does this mean you personally want to be able to use old Farseer and old Archmage, or are you saying you want no one to be able to use Thrall/Jaina?
Nope it didnt…While “Reforged” meant that the game was going to be more than just a remaster (and it still is), it was NEVER going to be remake in the true sense of the word either…
In this 2019 Beta the graphics lost Reflections, Lighting, Shaders, Realistic Shadows, Realistic Trees, Ambient Occlusion, Ray Tracing, Realistic Grass, Realistic Terrain, Anti Aliasing, Colors, New UI, New Mini Map, Day and Night Reflections and other things what The Culling Demo from Blizzcon2018 that already had and now disappeared…
Please back with the Culling Graphics from Blizzcon2018! Please <3
Demos (playable or shown footage) are usually a vertical slice.
Lets hope in the final release the game looks like The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018 that had perfect graphics <3
Our hope are there! Lets wait and hope the perfect graphics of demo 2018 back <3
I just dont want to see them in multiplayer games. I dont care if someone else see them. I just want the old models with the new graphics. But i dont need a female Deathknight or Jaina as Arcmage.
TBH the only way you will have that is by playong Classic War3.
Skins will always be viewable so long as you are in reforged. I doubt it will be optional off.
they NEVER said they would redo the cinematics sadly, just put them in 4k high res
I 100% agree with you. The Original VA’s were great. Illidans new Voice has grown into the role, but give me Illidan’s original anyday. Same with Arthas, etc.
The balancing is kinda strange to get used to, but I’m up for the task (RIP Critmaster)
I feel it’s essentially just a reskin now, after seeing they outsourced this to a team in Malaysia, I think? Feels like a move to capitalize on a still thriving Chinese Wc3 scene.
Also, Fk Wow’s story.
Magical space aliens is why the Light is a thing? Fk no, I liked the explanation
the manual gave for it in wc3.
I like the explanation the Warcraft 1 manual gave, when Humans were Christian (the Cleric’s attack spell description mentioned Archangels, and there were crosses on the Churches even in Warcraft 2), and the Orcs were Satanists (Fel came from Hades back then).
But in came War2 and War3, and changed it all.
See ya in wc4
Exacly and it cost 30€ ffs.
40 bucks for a remaster when the previous remaster was 15?
Purists so anal about keeping WC3 the same are willing to pay 3x the price for it.
Absolutely in agreement with OP.
No reskin please. something new for 40 dollars.
If the game look like as shown in The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018 with all things, will be nice.
Again you are giving too much “credit” to us “purists”…the real reason Reforged team cut their original plans was because of deadline/budget related issues. The matter of fact that beta testing only begun recently and the game is supposed to come out already by end of the year, it just shows that the higher ups in Activision Blizzard wanted Reforged to be done and over with as little time/resources used as possible.
But anyhow yes as “purist” I will still pay the 40 bucks for this “reskin”. I still get to replay my favorite game of all time with better visuals, experience the remade maps (some of them, ofc they didnt remake all of them) and hopefully also with new life to the custom game side. Either way the Refrorged campaing even with the cuts is NOT going to be 1:1 with the original, maps like Stratholme, Dalaran and Silvermoon are still going to be more or less different.