I've made a petition! all of you real die hard fans help spread it!

A petition got WoW Classic started.

But it wasn’t linked on the official forums. Petitions are gainst the forum TOS.

Actually it was more of the “illegal” vanilla servers and otherwise the requests from the community that got Blizzard convinced there was enough demand for Classic servers.

I honestly doubt that petitions like that can do much anything, its about the bigger picture.


The petition was hand-delivered to Mike Morhaime by Mark Kern and they didn’t have their meeting with the Nostalrius team until after the fact.

Do a little research next time.

Getting close to 500 likes dude, awesome. :+1:t2:

it stopped on 422.

Petitions almost always do nothing at all. This won’t go anywhere no matter how many sign it.

You literally came in calling half the forum morons among other things. You are a liar and you are toxic. I suggest you just leave.

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It’s also against the forum TOS to post it.

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giving the mistake I made when I first expressed my opinion normally and how I was showered with “overly kind” responses by people who call themselves “muh pure lore”, I’m not really feeling any guilt of responding the same, friend.

I’d like to see where you did this.

You first came here and attacked Blizzard and then us for not sharing your opinion.

Sadly i firm the petition, i didnt wanna cutscenes and campaning thing…
My bad, i wasnt read the complete change. org lol.

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do please show my “personal attacks” against blizzard or developers for that matter, mistaking criticism for attacks is what’s wrong with this forum.

Plus I’ve had a normal back and forth discussion with YOU last night even if when we disagreed, what changed today? how did I attack YOU in person?

I have no idea what you’re talking about but you have the ramblings of someone who is unwell. First off there are multiple people on this forum. If one person is rude to you they’re not the same as another person. You’re blending it all together to fit this bizzare narrative you have while continuing to violate the rules here.

I’ll state it like this. We are glad there are no or minimal changes to the lore or story. You are still getting new maps and cutscenes. There’s no reason for a petition. If they changed the story in this retconn fantasy tons of people would instantly refund the game. Blizzard doesn’t want to take that risk to please a few people. If this is something you cannot handle there are ways to cope.

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Your thread here is breaking the Forum Guidelines:

In addition to the forum Code of Conduct , here are some common courtesy guidelines to follow. While these do technically fall within the bounds of the Code of Conduct, these cover more specific examples of common errors that will lead to thread deletions or posting privileges being revoked.

Petition posts are frowned upon
These are discussion forums, and as such we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

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Here’s hoping this abomination DOES get deleted.

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and I haven’t called you by name either, don’t put words in my mouth, and trust me there are WAY more than I could count who blatantly attacked people who they disagreed with, “purists?” did it first and it went out of control from both sides afterwards, and for the “retcon” argument, I’ve given up after repeating myself many times, if you want to believe that we want Varian to be the one who becomes the lich king as your excuse to discredit us or our points, you’re more than welcome.

let the mods or whomever delete this post then, I firmly stand by my point, sadly we don’t get to choose to delete our comment or threads if things got out of control like we can on social media.

I’m sure your life will be much better and will improve drastically once it’s deleted right?

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My life? Nah.

This forum will though. Probably.


here’s to your dedication :beers:

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I hope i get to invite you to a party someday. :joy: You always come up with such ridiculous but funny responses

Sad thing is… I can actually believe those petitions exist.