I've made a petition! all of you real die hard fans help spread it!

We don’t want the story to change. We want the same story but its delivery in line with how it is later on presented through WoW and other media like the novels.


There are in non-English, sadly.

Nah I’m here to play wc3 in a better updated view, especially for people and friends who have never played it, not a new game

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if you deslike consistancy, goodstory and like eating crappy retcons and lore changes to fut gameplay matters, go ahead and sign. Also if you think it will devs more time to work on the game, really helpful move

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Not sure that each point of the petition is confirmed.

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This was foreseen in the great book. It is said that in the end times tears will rain from the sky, entire cities will be drowned by the tears of both WoW fanboys and Warcraft 3 fanboys and this wretched world will be snuffed out by Oaczlash the great Devourer of Sorrow.

retconning is changing the story by definition so you may be saying it nicely but you want in fact want the story to change. Most likely they will probably change some anyways.

Because those retcons happened. They are canon. Some events depicted in Warcraft 3 no longer correlate with official lore.

Purists may not like it but those lore changes are official. You’d be getting the same story but with essentially changes in the same universe.

Right, they didn’t happen because TheBlueDoll said they didn’t. Nice that you cleared that up.


Overhauled new campaign? Omg you never actually listened or read the original interviews didn’t you. They always said, from the very beginning, that the campaign was going to be kept mostly faithful to the original, with just some minor visual changes and some cameos that would help with lore cohesion.


Not that many, honestly. Stop exaggerating. I unironically can’t even think of any aside from Suramar.

And new story arcs for the girls (Jaina and Sylvanas).

lol they’re not canon. I say wc3 lore is official. How about that? You just want the story to line up with how you want it because you prefer that in a game that isn’t even about that. At this point go play wow.

The problem is that WoW is an MMO. Are we really supposed to believe that Arthas kicked the entire worlds face in then ascended to godhood and then woke up did a bunch of stupid mistakes and then was killed by 25 nobodies and a drunken paladin with the power of deuce ex machina?

Would you like to see Blood Elves be apart of the Horde? For WoW purposes it was a necessity but for non MMO purposes this would be stupid.

That is incorrect.

Yes, but because of the outcry about the changes that they announced, they’re now cutting things that might have been interesting that would have probably been in the original.

For example, there is a new model for a named green dragon called Tharifas. He was rumored to have been part of a scrapped sidequest that you would have gotten during the Awakening of Stormrage mission in Reign of Chaos’ initial release. He was never used but was left in the campaign editor.
Stuff like that is what I want to see - seeing the original story redone, maybe even with some new stuff that might make it seem more in line with WoW (Not personally my cup of tea but I won’t judge) but mostly with content that was taken from the game’s original release due to either time constraints or some other factors.
The original game had so much scrapped content that I want to see finished!

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Yeah, that’s so exciting and sad.

You can say it’s incorrect but I don’t really care. You know there are plenty of people who stopped playing after wc3? For them that’s the lore. You have no right to take that away.

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But I can’t take it away. The old campaigns are still there.


So you actually beleive that they made an unique model just for the lulz?, you do realize that a sidequest enters the realm of “minor changes and cameos”. Seriouslly guys calm down, don’t listen to the rageposters, read the interviews, watch the panel, it is there on youtube. Those changes, like new Stratholme and Silvermoon, are still a thing, just don’t spect a MASSIVE overhaul because that’s ridiculous, most of Warcraft 3 lore and the major plotlines were kept intact, there are still visual changes and some extra side missions with post WC3 lore references, chill down.

It’s not like Battle of Azeroth has had some stuff relating to events of Warcraft 3 at all or anything.

Why, what happened to Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne? Is Blizzard going to uninstall it from my system?

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Yeah, Anasterian might even get the voice line, although Arthas would not…