'It's just beta' is not an excuse or counterargument

I can’t answer why you’d buy WC3 without playing it any more than I can answer why you’re in the WC3 forums asking to change it to be more like SC2.

The only thing i said is they need improve the response and movement like sc2, this will make you feel better the game and newer, and more competitive due to more room to micro.

Which is a clear indication that you don’t know the first thing about WC3 competitive play.

You are talking about WC3 at a casual level if you think that response and movement changes will improve the game’s micro. The game’s micro is being intentionally kept the same because that is how the game is played.

If not, you can try a WC3 map in SC2 and you can see how different it plays. Someone made a demonstration with riflemen using SC2 updated pathing. The result was that Riflemen were able to stutterstep and easily kill by kiting without taking a single hit.

Like I explained many times; this works against all melee units and favours ranged units for being able to kite much more easily and avoid surround. That is a major part of the game. Yet you think that this is meaningless, and it shows your lack of understanding of what WC3 really is.

WC3 doesn’t have fast surrounding zergling units or zealots with charge. Melee would be in a huge disadvantage because they are all balanced around the collision and pathing that WC3 is known for.


This is the most fake and stupid thing in this post, lol
Im diamond-master and i found this game pretty easy.

The micro from wc3 is fantastic as Aoe2 due to the micro limit. A shame.
The sc2 as a game is still the best rts competitive as standard.

See, and this is the exact response I get from you.

I give you a very detailed explanation of what the problems are with your argument, and you can’t defend them at all.

You just say ‘I’m pro you stupid’ and do nothing to actually defend your statements. You just got your feels hurt and had to back up and reinforce yourself with ‘SC2 is the best!’ without actually being able to respond to how the AI would actually improve WC3’s gameplay rather than be a hindrance as I’ve explained.

So what I said earlier is all confirmed by you - You want the game to be more like SC2 because you are a SC2 diamond player who thinks SC2 is the best game.


Im talking about tech from the engine and you give fake argument like ‘’ you don’t play wc3 ‘’ while i buyed the stupid game.
Im play a lot of RTS like dawn of war, AOE, SC2, WC3.

And again you say ‘’ you think sc2 is the best game ‘’ and i never said that, im talking about response and movement for more micro room, but you little brain can’t understand that
Such a fanboy.

“You don’t play WC3” meaning you are not a WC3 competitive player. You are a SC2 competitive player.

You just say WC3 is easy but how competitive are you in 1v1 WC3, where the balance really matters?

I played the ladder after 8 years and i won lots of game, like 2 o 3 guys beat me and i say oh nice he is better than me.
This in sc2 doesn’t happen because is really more complex and fast game, the first month i was a little bronze.

For example, WOW have really nice movement and response, there is a tons of room for micro, but the graphics suck.

So do you want WC3 to be more like SC2 - yes or no?


No, i don’t want zealots in my wc3.

Then don’t ask for pathing AI changes :slight_smile:


i’m in the same position and your answer is very incoherent. lol
The only thing that i want is high competitive game and not this easy micro thing, and if is not at least amazing graphics. But this game suck in both.

No, your english and willfull ignorance is just preventing any coherence to be made.

You’re constantly misunderstanding my wording and intent, and you assume when I say you want the game to be more like SC2 it means adding zealots to WC3.

If you really think that’s what I meant by making WC3 more like SC2, then the problem is coming from you, my friend.

(But it’s true that I want them to add a zealot model to WC3 so we can use it for custom maps)


Was sarcasm, at this point your brain is useless. Your question was very dumb, im talking about the engine and you get mad because ‘’ you think sc2 is better ‘’ lmao.
such a kid fanboy.

such a kid fanboy

Thanks. I’ve modded for all 3 RTS games you’ve mentioned, I love the Starcraft, Warcraft and WH40K universes.

I don’t think SC2 is better, but it seems like you’re the one who is mad over me pointing out what you’ve been pretty much saying this entire time. You want WC3 to be closer to SC2 as the competitive standard and you think AI improvements will help make it more competitive and intense. But you have nothing to back that up with other than your own sentiment. And that’s what I’m pointing out.

If you can make a legitimate argument other than ‘I am Diamond player and WC3 is easy’ then I’d be open to discuss. But if your idea of discussion is ‘I don’t want zealots in WC3’ then what else do I need to say?

You don’t want to defend your statements. You just want to say ‘It’s better because I am pro SC2’. So what? SC2 isn’t WC3.


well, wh40k is a good game, sadly is deadbut for example, the animation from dawn of war 2 are the best, better than sc2. But sc2 is better in response and movement and have more room to micro and bla bla.

I’m talking about technics from engine, there is no room for question that you made like
‘’ do you want ‘’ ‘’ you are not wc3 player ‘’ etc
I’m talking about the room for the micro in sc2 is much better than WC3 because is much more advance is that aparment, but you still talking about ‘’ I don’t think SC2 is better ‘’ as a game, that’s because you are a fanboy.
You can’t talk about something without put your feeling.

But you don’t acknowledge what I am saying.

SC2 Micro is different from WC3 micro. So it’s not ‘better’, it’s different

And if you don’t acknowledge this one crucial fact, then we have no discussion to make. You just see it as Good and Bad. You don’t see it as two different systems that play very differently. You see it your way because you play both games and you like how SC2 plays smoothly vs WC3.

And I am telling you that if you think this way, you don’t understand how WC3 pros feel about how the game currently plays, or what impact different AI would cause the game. And I can easily show you what it would be like, simply by making a WC3 mod using SC2 pathing AI. It’s very easy to show how it will break WC3 gameplay. Having worked on WC3 mods for SC2, I can tell you that the pathing changes how the game plays.

The only difference is that I didn’t mind having better pathing AI from SC2 because I make custom maps, not competitive play. If you play competitive, you can see a big difference trying to control your hero vs WC3 where you can bodyblock much better and get away with hero without being surrounded.


My god.
The entire micro from wc3 is in sc2 because the engine is much newer. Wc3 use the engine from 2003.

Also wc3 is not competitive because is dead, there is no ranked league, grand master league and etc.
This is new.

“This game cannot be played at a high or serious level because nobody is playing it” is what I got from that and it seems wrong, if that is what your intended message was.

Show me the ranked league from WC3 frozen throne and your rank account please.