Is the lack of responsiveness something core of WC3?

Pretty sure he’s talking about DotA 2 boards more specifically. The argument still stands though, the purists are pretty welcoming on the whole. You try to take away core game play aspects that the OP clearly doesn’t understand, and you will get flamed WAY harder on those sorts of boards.


but its not a core gameplay aspect.
Its a bug that was never fixed.

Where in the gaming manual does it talk about this feature?
What about the unit select limitations? Was this a design decision or a technical limitation.

I think the answer is pretty clear.

Gods, I wish people would stop equating WC3 to DotA… it was a custom game map! If you just love it so much, go play HotS, Blizz made that just for you DotA fanbois…

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I definitely feel the same way. It’s really the only reason I’m waiting to buy Reforged. I want to make sure my money goes to a quality product, and not a gutted Wc3 skinned, generic RTS. If I wanted that, I could find cheaper on Steam.

Literally none of these are in 1.30.1, I don’t know what you’re smoking. DH definitely does not have any of these problems, (source: I literally just went into a melee game and tested it.)

Funny from the guy who wants to change core game play features already in reforged.

Stop being butt hurt over people wanting the core identity of the game to stay the same.

You really think it was about technical limitation? No, Wc3 uses way less units, but there are way more effects that you have to consider on them, so if you cram in 50 units into their little UI, you’ll never see who’s affected by Polymorph. Mousing over to see who’s under what aura would be Navy Seal sniper training. There’s a whole host of problems it could have, versus using command groups (in the manual).

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First of all, I didn’t google it since I knew you already knew what you were talking about and I didn’t, so it seemed easier to ask you to provide a link you probably already knew about than go look for it on my own knowing nothing. I know whatever the interets facsimile of a society is has taught you to almost never directly answer questions that can be googled and instead just reply with “EvEr hEaRd oF GoOgLe ?” , but try to imagine why someone wouldn’t first.
Ok you have apparently had a traumatic expierience with Age of Empires and Age of Mythology going bust and now think that it MUST happen to WC3 Reforged if it does one thing the same as them: keeping it authentic. And it’s not quite the same thing. This is WC3 not any of those games.
And also, I’m all for moving past some of the limitations WC3 had to contend with such as the 12 unit per group cap, but you have to admit the line between feature and limitation/bug can be blurry and it’s a delicate operation trying to remove some of the latter while keeping most of the former. I’m just saying leave the pathing as it is, if you want changes there’s still plenty to be made that wouldn’t and couldn’t affect the game on this large a scale.


Because they are far more proud of their heritage, being born in the Wild West of the modding scene, and because they have an object to hate with no remorse - League of Legends.

How is this relevant? Because WC3 purists are too timid and accepting in such arbitrarily chosen issues.

Why arbitrarily chosen? Because they’re clearly inspired by clearly trashcan games such as SC2. And DotA players would have no issue calling these ideas trash.

Again, there are legitimate arguments to be had. WC3 RoC had no option to have the HP bars on all the time - it was added in TFT. Then the mana bars were added in 2018.

Again, the unit selection question is a legitimate one. It has precedents. In Dune II, you could select one unit. In WC1 - 4. In WC2 - 9. Later, 12. Enlarging it or removing it makes sense in this paradigm.

But unit turn rates? Why would you remove them? Because of SC2?


HotS sucks, and it’s receiving so little love and balancing it looks like it will keep sucking forever. Can’t blame people for not playing that thing.

come on brah get off that unicorn lol don’t come here and preach that this game was alive lmfao. first, grubby would get those views even if he was playing a barbie game and second of all, grubby had insider info about wc3 reforged and thats why he started playing it again.

No. He only learned about Reforged a month prior. Whereas he started growing cold towards HotS for a long time. He never casted HGC in 2018. He started playing WC3 on Fridays. And then in recent months he took breaks from HotS altogether.

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Square footprints and collision were limits of the tech available at the time, mostly on a graphic interface level. With a 3d upgrade, there is no reason for these to stand.

And actually, I’m fairly certain it could be coded to where you can shove past friendly units, but not enemy units, thus leaving blocking in place while removing some ungainlyness from moving forces about. IIRC, the first few patches of WoL were like that…

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Honestly. Some people think we are still in 1998 when it comes to gaming.
You can still achieve the same desired effect without all the BS.

IMO, HotS IS a steaming pile… much like DotA. Doesn’t change the fact that it was made by Blizz for DotA fans.

My point is they have ALREADY catered to DotA fans with an ENTIRE NEW GAME. Much as they already catered to die-hard with SC:R. Both have totally unappreciated thier efforts, so I think it’s time for the rest of us to get some love… hopefully Blizz agrees

They remastered SC by giving them HD and keeping gameplay the same. Why do you think reforged means the same thing? Besides read the website. Warcraft® III: Reforged™ is a complete reimagining of a real-time strategy classic. When you reimagine something is rarely the same thing.

They said they are keeping the game the same,. Asides from selection, they never mentioned changing other mechanics,

And I knew it would come to this. Some say ‘12++++ Unit selection or daed gaem’ Then ‘Pathing’ Then what will be next?? Add 3 races Next - Indicate when it is a good idea to use a hero ability… 1v1 competitive? Fak that 1v1 casual for all because the bunch of players are bad at the game

Well have you seen how ranking ANYWHERE goes? It’s like a Pyramid the higher the less… sorry these 2 last remains of interesting RTS shall not change


The only thing they said that they are keeping the same is somewhat the campaing in mostly part and the pathing. And I believe that with enough feedback, Pete Stilwells will have the infinite wisdom to reconsider.

brah I don’t even play DotA or custom maps I just want to play 1v1 without getting motion sickness from the clunkyness.

This has gone on long enough several posts has already broken forum guidelines Forum Guidelines - Please Read. Stop bickering and just agree to disagree like adults. This quickly turned from a discussion to aggressive preaching. No one benefits from this. You all have already made your arguments, we know your point of views.


Are you a moderator or not? You are literally not giving any input.

Please, tell me. May I dare to ask, are you a self-imposed moderator? This would make my whole week.

Yo… if you are trolling, You are seriously good I’m not even being sarcastic.

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Is…is that an actual thing? Motion sickness? Do you actually get that or do you mean to say it just makes you cringe?

Hey buddy. You like 15 year old crap code?
You still have WC3.

Play that.