Is it as bad as they say?

Hello everybody.

The question is: I wanted to buy reforged when it came out but the massive negative wave got me to think. I’d still buy it but I wanted to hear a review from somebody who actually owns it. I saw the 0.5 Score wich I think is just to show the emotion of the people who didn’t get what was promised. But other than that if I want to relive the campaing, desing maps wich could be played by people in the future is it worth the 30$? Can I enjoy making maps and playing the campaing with a slightly upgraded model base? If yes I might pay for it. All answers and opinions are welcome, but don’t make a warzone here and spare me from “you sell your soul to activison” “blizz fanboy” etc. Thank you

Constant dc’s , high ping , lot’s of bugs , long loading times,sometimes you stuck at “found game” (even tho it didn’t found) and you need to restard the game… some models are off…

so yeah its pretty bad…better wait before your purchase it (until they fix it), just like i do atm…and playing the classic version. (even tho we are forced to play with reforged client…)


I think its very fun, 1on1 that is.

But cant be patience testing. Often it wont connect to the game, no stats like in the old, no ladder, so its a downgrade. But the gameplay is solid. Really fun

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From a very objective standpoint, let me tell you exactly what it is.

It is the same old Warcraft III, with the only positive change being the updated graphics (yet they’re still animation locked to 20-30fps or so), and just 3-4 changed maps in all of the campaigns (The Stratholme/Dalaran/Silvermoon in the ROC human and undead campaign, it’s like they ran out of time to make any further changes or something)

The list of negatives then, are long. Removed major aspects from the original (even though some will be added later, but for now), no ladder, no clan support, no player stats, not even custom campaigns, Promised reforged cutscenes weren’t delivered. and let me be frank, a ton of bugs, that are indeed gamebreaking. Then again, depending on your setup, you might, or might not run into a lot of them.

So only you can make the decision whether it’s worth your money. For the majority it’s not. For myself, I bought it, thought about refunding but decided to stick around for. Was still able to somewhat enjoy playing the campaign, and playing around with the editor and new models.

I’d say the product itself is around 6/10, with the possibility to go up with changes/fixes

But when scoring every aspect surrounding the product, considering the way it was marketed, all the stuff left out and the state of the release, I’d go as low as 3/10


I can probably give you a pretty impartial (or optimistic some might say) opinion since most of the cons are indifferent to me - never played custom campaigns, ladder is indifferent, I only play campaign and lan games with friends against a bunch of AIs.

I’m enjoying a lot playing the campaign. Graphics are cool, animations are kind of good, the fun of the game is all there. But I’m enjoying just like I would be enjoying playing warcraft 3 campaign again after all these years - it’s the same game, literally the same game! Never payed for the original (shame) but if I had and now payed 30€ for the same game I played so many years ago… Yeah I u would be pissed.

Any way, if you never played warcraft, it’s a really good new game for you.

About the bugs, I’m playing with a macbook pro 16" from last year but to be totally fluid I’m not playing with the resolution at maximum which is not what I expected (not sure if its the mac or the game fault) but whatever. What happens sometimes is after I finnish a mission the game crashes, I have to go back to it. That is not cool but worst is when it crashes in the middle of a mission (already happen twice for no reason). Lost everything until last checkpoint which can be a lot so now I find myself saving every 3min which is the worst part of the experience.

But as I sayed, I’m really enjoying it, even with all the cons… Warcraft 3 (reforged or not) is a really great game, probably my favourite :slight_smile:

Yes, it is.

Warcraft 3 is still a great game and well worth anybody’s money. The problem is
that reforged doesn’t add enough to justify the price tag and is technically broken for many, with a lot of removed features.

So if you don’t have WC3 or have never played it then it is still a solid investment, however if you have then it really isn’t worth it and is why I will wait for a big sale or for it to be an actual reforged experience.


If you never played WC3 before then for sure you are likely not going to have ANYWHERE near as negative experience. IN its core WC3 is still great game, it has great story and characters and campaings that are well worth experiencing.

So no its nowhere near 0.5 bad as for example something like Big Rigs that is widely regarded as the worst ever game to hit retail. But ppl reviewed bombed it (rightfully) for Blizzard’s misleading marketing of what was originally promised but not delivered to the final game and ofc the game doesnt simply have the really high production values that Blizzard was once known for…especially with the cutscenes, most of which were left untouched and the terrain that still looks like it was from 2002 and doesnt go well together with really detailed character models.

Also multiplayer still has lots of connection issues and ranked MP is entirely missing.

So thats why ppl were angry and gave really angry reviews/low scores. For you it still might be worth buying/experiencing though BUT I would recommend you wait and see how Blizzard might improve the game yet.

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Not as terrible as most of ppl says it, but you should wait until blizzard fix or not fix it. Until I not recommend to buy it.

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The campaign has truncated difficulty. if you already know how to play RTS you will find it too easy.
Custom campaigns are not there.
The pvp is disconnected.
Personalized to me or work for me.

and also there are blos bugs and that did not make all the models. They made many. but not all.

if you are going to buy it only for the campaign. Download the original will be better.

It’s the same old beautiful WC3 with new awesome models. Just it’s not polished enough and has few multiplayer bugs. I enjoyed WC3 TFT in 2003, I enjoy reforged. I expected much more from Blizz, but Reforged is still a nice game to play. Hope they fix existing issues and make new balances/units/spells in future. I’m definetely glad I’ve purchased it.

if you give them money for this , you are actively ruining gaming in general

and this is no joke.


no one play this, it’s already dead… everybody moved on

Is that what you tell yourself?

he is actually right. when the game was released , during its first week, there were more than 100 people in the standard channel . now its around 30 most of the time


i feel like its about as busy online as the old wc 3 was the last 5 years or so. Wich is odd because there should be more people after a remake of a game. Especially a anticipated one.

Just about as many people in the standard channel and just about as many custom games being hosted

Also @ OP if you are in it for the campaign only, then its doable. Not worth 30 bucks for the graphics imo but others might be willing to pay 30 for just graphics. Multiplayer however needs alot of patching, and functions like offline playing vs bots and custom campaigns are removed

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Yea, there is definitely less ppl now and honestly sadly I doubt that even if Blizzard would fix everything with MP that there would be significant boost in playerbase.

I was really looking forward to playing lots of custom games again, but when it takes so long to get even enough players together and sometimes the loading times/connection issues come into play, its just one big cluster**** and big disappointment. It felt to me that even during the early days of the beta the MP was working better and it was easier to get players together

I havent bought reforge but seeing the videos and peoples opinions the question (if you simply go for single player) is why not simply play the old one vs the new one? The graphics have improved but its nothing special imo considering its 2020.

And a personal runt: How in this world they remake a game after 20 years without adding a new race and a new campaign? Every strategy game that respects himself does that. I mean show me one remaster of a RTS that hasnt done that.

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Well its not that simple in case of WC3 because adding new race would have to go through HECK of lot testing/making sure its balanced well with other races and so on.

I mean yes, if Blizzard truly cared about this enough they could have done that, but I would also like to make clear that since Warcraft III’s races are so different from another, this would have not been as simple as with Age of Empires II for example when it comes to adding new races/new factions into the game. Cause while there are also certain civilization bonuses and 1 unique unit for each civ, they still mostly play otherwise exactly the same. Warcraft III on the other hand has WAY bigger differences between each race than most other RTS games have.

So long story short it would have required lot more work than they were even willing to put to it now…lot more than even remaking the cutscenes that they originally intended to do. You might have just as well asked them to make Warcraft IV…

I mean for sure all of us fans would have loved to get some new campaign, perhaps just with race/faction that was only playable in the campaign and not in MP, but it is what it is…its clear that Blizzard was not willing to put that much money and effort into Reforged.

If only RTS genre was more popular, perhaps things would be different, cause then we would see more of them on the market, but sadly the genre is not able to compete in popularity against much more popular action-adventure, FPS or even MOBA genres. But we can only hope that the revival of Age of Empires would inspire other developers/publishers to take another look at RTS genre. I still very much doubt Blizzard will bother with it no matter what, atleast as long as they are under the control of Activision-Blizzard. Those corporate greedy people only care about games that bring them the maximum amount of profits and we all know that something like Diablo IV or Overwatch 2 will bring them more profits than any RTS game ever could. Its sad, but the fact is that RTS games dont have similar mass appeal and ofc one big reason to that is that they can only really played effectively with mouse and keyboard. So that rules much of the console gamer audience out, while games like Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 would ofc sell well across all the gaming platforms, PC and consoles both.

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I wont disagree with this but lets go for Age of Mythology for ex.

Its races are tottally different as well but when they remastered it they cared to release a new race as well (the Chinese).

All in all i would even be fine if they cared enough to release some new campaigns with the existing races. They could go for ex for the war of the ancients and the night elves battle or featuring campaigns from the old warcraft games etc. I mean its warcraft - it has such a huge storyline around it.

Anyways, we got what we got so everything else is just fan theories.

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