How do we get a refund?

I haven’t been in the forums for a while, but it looks like Reforged is not going to have the changes that were advertised when I pre-ordered.

How do I go about requesting a refund, any help would be appreciated?


You write a ticket to support about refund.

I already did but it’s already been more than 24 hours and no one replied yet…


I hope you guys get refunded fixed because this is outrageous.


I hope people stop whining.


first you make 50 forum accounts and then post “I’m gonna refund!” and then u’ll get ur refund


Be smart next time, never preorder games from companies that dissapointed you before.


No, they didn’t quite do that. They factually said that some things are subject to change and so they were changed/cut. End of story.


Yeah, this is like a “technically the truth” type of situation. But still, I’d consider it deception - not a complete lie, but not a whole truth either; just literal.


Lol, they always say some things are subject to change so they have a way out. It doesn’t make it less of a lie nonetheless .


I received a full refund. It does say it will take 72 hours, but my refund went right through.

Just open a ticket and select payments. You will immediately be able to get your refund.


Why doesn’t everyone just wait till the game is out and gets a few post-release updates? Maybe they’ll deliver what they’ve said (and maybe more) and then everyone that got a refund will rage again, this time because they shouldn’t have asked for a refund.

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They have their reasons, personal or typical it may be, it’s theirs. I’d gladly ask for a refund… if I’ve already pre-ordered the game myself. :joy: :v::sweat_smile:

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I got a refund immediately, just go into account settings and search refund. If blizzard refuses too refund you the game for any reason contact the BBB, FTC, and charge back your credit card over false advertising.

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This is why you don’t preorder games


For the OP if they still need it. Otherwise, for posterity’s sake:

I’m never pre-ordering a Blizzard game until they officially announce the release date or at least keep the promise changes they said they’ll put in the game but they changed their minds.

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I’m very confused, what is all the huff about specifically?

Bliz had created new content that included new voice acting, mostly as part of the campaign where the Warcraft story resides. After the 2018 Blizzcon demo, feedback came in that players didn’t want new voice acting; they felt having different voices would subtract from the nostalgia.

Thus, anything and everything that contained new voice acting was cut. Trouble is, that was A LOT of the originally planned new content: many cinematics, many cutscenes, the all story additions and recons, etc.

There is still some new content for the campaign, just far less than was originally planned. Because people play W3R for different reasons, the subset who were interested in and purchased for all the axed campaign/story content aren’t finding it worth it anymore.

For the people defending Blizzard, why do you wanna pay money for something you already have? The Nostalgia is there, when you buy reforged you get the original WC3, with this new decision the reforged is simply better graphics with everything being the same, if that is a valid reason to pay money good for you, many would disagree.

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Im wrote a ticket, support said its gonna take around 10 days for refund to arrive to my bank account, will update you.

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