How can i get refund?

Bumps degrade forum quality, not increase it.

Then why are you here Chimp?

There are no guarantees in life period. But why are you casting doubt on this in the first place? Of course the problems will be fixed, some already have been. It’s simply a matter of time.

Waiting may or may not be a “practical solution” but it’s the only one that exists. If you didn’t buy reforged, you’re not getting a refund for WC3 classic, period, since you probably bought that nearly two decades ago. So if you want to play WC3 again ever, you’re just going to have to wait.

I mean i’m still stunned at people not EXPECTING these kinds of problems on day 1. It may be sad, but it’s just the simple truth.

I do feel a little burned at the premature release. I’m no white knight. But I also know a refund won’t change anything since this is now the current version of the game even if I didn’t buy reforged.

They screwed up, yes. But frankly I’m willing to cut them some slack as long as the game returns to full playability in a reasonable time frame (as of this post, most promised functionality seems to be restored, with some issues).

No amount of boycotting game studios due to day 1 bugs is going to make such problems go away. Even with a whole army of testers, you’re going to miss things that will be discovered by the players. It is unreasonable for players to demand game studios to release perfect products, because bugs are a reality of software development, and if you try to chase them all down, you’ll never release.

A refund matters to those who have come to that decision. There is no reason why you should give any misleading information as though you can guarantee what people ultimately want. You benefit nothing from their dissatisfaction, right?

So don’t deceive them further with guarantees of fixes. They can buy the game again any time, right? Yet the opposite will not work. They can not refund any time. Blizzard is actively preventing it and making it harder to refund.

If the game is worth buying then it should be at face value, not promised a month or however long down the line. This game already is being falsely advertised with material that was cut from the game, that will never be in the game. Not everyone knows this and some expect it to be ‘fixed’ at some point. Your suggestion would be misinforming those expectations.

No amount of boycotting game studios due to day 1 bugs is going to make such problems go away.

Which is why refunds should be addressed at individual basis. Did I say this should be boycotted? I did not. Don’t assume I am. I am not arbitrarily suggesting refunds, I have clearly said that IF people want to refund, do so earlier than later because you will not have that opportunity of you wait too long.

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Bud, if you want to play it so bad, why would you ask for a refund? Then, you won’t be able to play it at all.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a desperate need to play the game, then sure you can wait until it is fixed.

Either way, Blizzard knows you’re not happy with it and they are working on it.

Wow are you for real? Did you also buy into Fallout 76 and are still hoping it’ll become an actually playable game? I don’t know when you started to play video games but when I did, games came out complete and if they werent and had game breaking issues, like not being able to launch Campaign, Versus, OR Custom Games which WC3 has for me, they would issue a fix immediately and pull the current game from shelves. Now? Now they just leave it for MONTHS while people still buy it and go “well it’ll get better after X patch”. Sure it will, or you know they could have not got rid of their entire QA department and maybe we would have some decent games and WoW patches. I don’t get this thought process

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This is actually really sad… This game is not worth it at all, BUT the money is money I would just spend on 4 pizzas otherwise.

The problem is that I REEAAALLY want to play WC3, but I also REEAALLY can’t be arsed with the disconnect problems and laggy/shi* menus.

It’s sad :confused:

The problem is if you don’t ask for a refund on day one Blizzard will probably say “Hey you played it for 4 hours so no refund for you!.”

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I don’t know when you started to play video games but when I did, games came out complete and if they werent and had game breaking issues, like not being able to launch Campaign, Versus, OR Custom Games which WC3 has for me, they would issue a fix immediately and pull the current game from shelves.

And when did you start playing video games? In my own experience, Elder Scrolls 1 and 2 had game crashing bugs. Half the spells and items in Final Fantasy 1 simply do not work. These games were not pulled from shelves and fixed. Online games these days are a lot more complex, which means more opportunities for bugs. And there are simply no shelves to pull them from. They can leave the game on your computer and fix them. Which is actually very convenient.

You aren’t missing much. Its litterally just character models and a couple of new assests on certain maps thats it. The terrain alone looks worse than the original games terrain its pretty sad. Got through the prologue, human campaign, undead campaign and in the end I am horribly disappointed. Virtually everything they promised is non-existant.

And yet im still having to “appeal” my refund request because i’ve put some time into the game in a single day. Ridiculous.

My issue is this. You and I both know that the release problems will be addressed and certain missing features will be patched in. The only reason to request a refund is if you have no intention of returning to the product later- otherwise, what’s the point in refunding something only to buy it again later?

And you know full well that many of the people demanding refunds are going to come back. This is just reactionary rage to day 1 problems. Once the issues are addressed the crying will stop.

In response to the “when did you start playing games” argument- Games have released with bugs since games first existed. Yes, there was usually a higher QA standard because once the game released onto its read-only medium, patching wasn’t possible. But that doesn’t mean games on cartridges and CDs never had game breaking bugs. Oh no, quite the opposite. The extra fun part is because different regions often got games at different times, the first platform to release would get a buggy version which would only be fixed in the releases for other regions, or if you were really lucky, subsequent print runs of a game if it was popular enough (Metroid Prime, for example, has at least 5 distinct versions in the wild, with each one after the first patching various ways players were able to do unintended / buggy things).

So yes, I remember playing buggy games back when i first played video games decades ago. This is really nothing new

This has nothing to do with patience… if you want too much you can’t refund the game.
If anyone would suggest to invest money in this they are either:
a) “ultimate” try hard fans, and these people would probably like anything that Activision will feed to them.
b) bot/employee, you have something to loose if you don’t obey the program
c) corporate whiteknight, you try your best to get internet points with a billion dollar company because you either think this is moral to defend them, or you are just insane overall.
d) idiot/imbecile, you probably also buy 3$ red dots from Activision. It falls with point (a) but these people don’t need to actually be fans of anything…

otherwise, what’s the point in refunding something only to buy it again later?

The point is that there is no guarantee that ‘release problems will be addressed and certain missing features will be patched in’ in context of everyone who is choosing to refund.

An example - Person A wants Reforged for the campaign. They are having black screen problems due to AMD drivers. What should they do? They should wait because it can be resolved in time, right? So you are correct that they should not refund.

Person B wants the 2018 UI in the game. What should they do? They should stick with the game because it will be resolved in time right? No. Because it was a deliberate decision to not implement any UI, and there is no guarantee this would be ‘fixed’. And if it is a problem for that person, they should not keep the game under the assumption it would be fixed ‘because someone on the forums said missing features will be patched in’.

That is where a refund makes a difference. On an individual level, at the behest of the individual. If they stick to it, it will never happen. If they refund, at least they are not tied to a product that fails to meet their expectations.

However if I’m wrong and a new UI does get added in? They can always purchase the game then. But let us be clear - There is no guarantee that missing features will be patched in.

And my example of this is Diablo 3 - They promised dueling as a possibility from the very beginning of the game. That ended up being completely scrapped, at the behest of all the Diablo 2 duelers who bought Diablo 3 to PVP. Even the ‘Brawl’ system they added was not a true dueling system, and no one uses it for PVP at all.

Starcraft Remaster does not have functional 2v2 online matchmaking. This is something that was working in the original SC, and broke sometime during the making of the remaster. To my knowledge, it is still not functional today, and likely not be fixed considering the team who would do those fixes is the Classic team that is working on Reforged right now

Does this mean everyone should refund D3 and SC:R? No. I bought both, I still have both. But if someone wanted D3 for its advertised dueling features? If someone wanted SC:R for the purpose of 2v2’s with their buddy? If those people already want a refund, the community should not be the ones giving them false hopes with ‘Don’t worry missing features will be patched in’. The correct thing is to give them the proper avenues to decide what they want, and if they want a refund then allow them the refund. Keep in mind that every post I have written has not suggested refunding. I have clearly worded if you choose to refund. And my reasoning to inform is because Blizzard is actively preventing refunds if you kept the game too long.

There is also no guarantee that refunds can even be given out at a later time considering people are being met with ‘You have played X amount of hour and you can not refund’ messages right now. That will not resolved by waiting things out.

Let us be clear - I am neither supporting or discrediting Blizzard here. You need to hear what I am saying as neutral as possible, because I am not pushing any agenda to make people refund, I am saying that Blizzard is not giving everyone an opportunity to refund any time so if you choose that route, do so sooner than later.

If Blizzard can not guarantee what they advertised on release, then people should not have their purchases held accountable to those missing features. Refunds are necessary in these cases. Otherwise, your logic implies that refunds should never be necessary, on the basis of an empty promise that you personally can not guarantee.

You’re right- nothing is guaranteed, but you’re acting under an unfair and inaccurate assumption that things WON’T be fixed. And by asking for a refund on day one, you’re not even giving them a chance to address anything. No peice of software can be fixed in one day.

You asking for a refund doesn’t persuade Blizzard to do anything. Day one bugs are always a thing. They will be fixed. Can I 100% guarantee that? No. But will it happen? Almost assuredly yes.

“It’s not a guarantee” is not a good argument. They will do it because it’s the right thing to do.

Then you can buy my copy of reforged, and I will pay you when Blizzard adds the feature I want in the game. Nothing can be guaranteed but if you say it’s almost assuredly yes that they will fix it, you have nothing to lose right? I’m guaranteeing you that I will pay you as soon as the features I want are added, since you are assuring this plausability.

This may be an extreme example, but you need to see the point here. When it’s not your money you’re talking about, it’s easy to suggest ‘wait things out, it will be assured to be fixed’. Yet how someone chooses to spend their money is personal to each individual . And when it comes to this, there is nothing you can guarantee that can resolve this is. What you are doing is simply providing misleading information and empty guarantees to individuals faced with a personal issue.

It has been broken for less than 2 days. Not 6 months. There is an expectation that betas aren’t fully functional, and they aren’t. The campaign wasn’t even available during the beta therefore any issues with that would not be known to players who did participate in the beta. Because betas are understood to be incomplete test products, you can’t count things that happened during beta. That’s unfair to anyone who does a beta test- not just blizzard.

The day one issues were not happening in the beta. I.e. the game was in fact playable in the beta before day 1. Which means those were new issues, not old ones.

It has been broken for less than 2 days

Wrong. It has been broken for 3+ months.

As I have said, most of the issues in the beta were left unresolved and made it directly into the release. If they could not resolve those issues in the past 4 months of an active beta with direct feedback then there is no guarantee that they will be resolved any time soon.

If you were not aware, Reign of Chaos multiplayer servers were active since 2001. They were shut down last year with little-to-no notice. Permanently removed. We can not guarantee that features that existed in Classic that are currently missing will make its way back into Reforged.

Even now, the ‘Custom Campaign’ option that existed in Classic WC3 does not exist in Reforged, and there are no guarantees by Blizzard that they will bring it back either.

I am not making reasons why to refund, I am countering your assumption that if it is missing right now it will be assuredly added later. None of these features are assured to return. There are simply no guarantees about anything. This is why I am not telling anyone things that I can not guarantee, and frankly I don’t think you should be either.

Again, categorically false. it runs perfectly fine for me and i would prefer it to playing t he original game stretched across my 16:9 screen.

The game does require more resources and this is reflected in the system requirements. It’s not like they’re hiding anything there.

You don’t make the rules as to what people can and cant talk about. These comments are related to the subject of refunds and why people would/should/shouldn’t want them.

Also, you don’t represent anyone but yourself, so stop pretending like you speak for every other unspoken person here.

These comments are related to the subject of refunds and why people would/should/shouldn’t want them

No, it is not. The OP is clear about asking for a refund. The Topic is about asking for a refund. There is no discussion about why other than with the people who are interjecting their own opinion within. Namely you and Katiekins.

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