Hotfix Patch Underway -- May 14

So…almost 4 months…no ladder, we lost our campaign portraits…whoa.
Hey Blue Guys…We anticipated this game for a long time. We PAID for this game.
It’s nothing like it was advertised. It would be great to either have a refund button or get with the program.

There’s probably hardly anyone working on the game. I mean WoW and Hearthstone and your other games get tons of attention. We have had 0 impactful updates and this was released in January.


Fixed a shadow that was unintended off of Moonwells when placed outside the Night Elf base,

Hope y’all enjoying our product expect many changes equally as exciting as this to be announced monthly

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Watch out IT-People! This guy knows how things are done without having any clue.

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Just dced again in 19 player custom game. Hope it is for disconnect issue , otherwise ur hotfix is probably worthless as many other were before :smiley: , cmon surprise us devs ^^

is this the patch of the month? Kappa

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Fix disconnects MAYBE!!! Just maybe I think?

This is why private servers are so widespread for WoW. The server connections are configured client-side, apparently.
EDIT: btw, please Blizz, when you go through the release process, consider adding more content to the new versions. Spare your devs a little pain.


The funny thing is not what they are doing, but the senseless way they communicate it^^

Or they just cannot express themselves properly^^

lol a small patch…

How do you suppose the client can connect to the server if the address to the server is not stored on the client?

Lol, maybe. Even if it was corporate’s new favorite, I have my doubts whether any development would take place. In my opinion, the reason the devs are not developing this game is because people DID preorder. There’s no incentive to finish something you already have everyone’s money for LOL.

It’s supposed to be this order dude: product first, payment second. We aren’t a lending agency


No footprints? Smh.


Ask yourself how you connect to this forum and you will know the answer^^

Having an address is different from having a full configuration, I would say…

Wait, let me get this straight. There’s a new update, right? It’s server related…so it supposedly should improve online performance even just a tiny bit, right? But…it doesn’t. What’s the point then? Am I missing something? Am I retarded? What’s going on, Blizzard?

Maybe they just removed eu server so we may only play on asian servers :smiley:

-> nvm just joking

profiles, ladders, guilds… come on

I connect to this forum by having its address stored in my memory.

do you type 4 numbers or…?

you guys are lazier than a couch potato DAMNNNNNNNN