Heroes gender swap for all heroes or jus a few?

is there going to be a male warden or dark ranger hero for example? or just female gender swap? any word about this?

According to what they specifically said, they are gonna add more women variations… Not men

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Well considering it’s 4/24 F to M ratio. Why wouldn’t it be female only? It isn’t like there won’t be male exclusives… In fact, even if they give the option to far more heroes then we think they will there will still be more male exclusives.

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That being said though… it is truly fine if they do just a few M to F variations… we will most likely not be getting Chieftains or Crypt-Lords, or anything that simply wouldn’t make any sense (“hi, I am pit-lordia, lady of the abyss”), so there will still be lots and lots of M exclusives.

Most importantly… if this whole feature is getting into the game in the form of hero skins - a simple customization option - then there is nothing to complain about at all.
It better get into the game like this…


Yeah agreed, I was just quoting their words… They never said they were adding both genders…

No, Communism is where the workers own the means of production and run them democratically… Which has nothing to do with this like, at all…

I didn’t know there was Dwarfs, Elves, Griffons, Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Giant Spiders, Giant Bats, Zombie Dragons etc. In the medieval ages… Hmmm… What happened to all these creatures today? :thinking:


All those come from folklore… They actually “existed” in those time because people believed in them… All this game are based in reality… Just like the folklore of the time was based on reality too

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lmao what

in a medieval game you wouldn’t see zombies, dragons, orcs, or wizards either

Can you give me a Google Maps link to where Lordaeron is? I need to give my taxi driver some directions.


You have to be under 15…for reals hahaha now u made me laugh

No, he doesn’t have to be under 15 to not believe in dragons. That is what we like to call common sense.

No, these things were never real. Just like Scientology isn’t real. Just because people are stupid and believe something doesn’t make it true.

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More on topic and panning through it, I’m not sure we’d get stuff like a male Warden (though it’d make for a pleasant surprise) because even across the board for Warcraft media, past to present, I don’t think there’s been an example of a male Warden or Watcher yet. The other example I could think of for that is like. A female Pit Lord.

But that would also be a dope design to see them attempting to do. Frankly at the end of the day if the 22(?) male heroes got 24 alternate skins in the form of female variants and the 4 female heroes got 4 alternates as male variants. It’d be dope, a good nod, and interesting to see. Plus more content for mapmakers to use.


What I told him was referring about this kid trying to argue among all other threads… And I guess you never been in a class of logics and never heard about the principles of knowledge and the origins of truth, I’ll summarize it, truth is not absolute, it changes, depending on the person who says it, the time when it was said, and the place where it was said, so yeah, truth 100 years ago was different from truth 300 years ago… There was a time where earth was flat and that was the truth of the moment…

BTW kid, demons are genderless due the fact they do not need to reproduce, only exceptions are succubus and incubus…

Right… So when a White Nationalist claims that Jews control the world, that is actually true?

2+2 has been 4 for a while. Let me know what Warcraft 3 is like in another 100 or 300 years though. Are people still playing Wintermaul in customs?

Cool but in Warcraft there’s examples of demons having male or female genders or at least running off certain pronouns. The only definitely genderless demon is, what? Infernals since they’re giant burning rocks?

EDIT: Like. MAYBE Felhunters?

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There’s male and female Eredar, you clownshoe.

I just hope Pit Lord is as smiley as ever!

Unless it’s taken a long walk from it’s 20th century definition, that’s still not the definition of truth - while it is often (mis)used by a small fraction of people (although including some leaders) or religions to mean something like subjective / opinion that’s not what how it’s defined by the either the general public or dictionaries (I checked top 4 google dictionaries, none have entries linking it to subjectivity).

Here’s my desired order (most to least):

F Tauren Chieftain.
F Archmage.
F KotG.
F Beastmaster.
F Blood Mage.
F Lich.
M Dark Ranger.
F Paladin.
F Demon Hunter.

“The popular view on truth in our culture today is that objective, universal and absolute truth is implausible. Those who hold to it are often viewed with contempt. Postmodern relativists build their understanding of truth on the foundation of the naturalist worldview. Truth then has its origin in man. This leads to conclusions that differ greatly from those who hold to absolute truth”. - Postmodern Relativism
this is not something you find in a dictionary, this is something you learn in philosophy and logic classes.

no living thing can survive in the space…this statement was truth until few years ago,when they found one that can.

or easier…cows cant fly…this is the truth…until genetics create one with wings that can fly,so when that day comes, my truth renders obsolete.
for that reason, truth only applies to the person saying it,the place where it was said,and the time it was said

another simple example using the place,
-the ocean is warm!
-no,lie,the ocean is cold!.
no one is lying, both are telling the truth…but one lives in the Caribbean and the other lives in the Antarctic…
truth is changing and never static…

(PD religions often do use Absolute truth…not subjective true) (doesnt mean they are right,means again truth changes,and within their believes those things are absolute and cant change)

going back to the topic…
yeah id like to see male dark rangers…
demon hunters are confirmed.

Why do these threads always have to be a sh_tshow?

As a person who can only stick to the old things and never accepts the new, custom skins is a nice feature and some heroes can be of both sexes just fine. Heroes are exceptional people, and if one happens to be a woman, it only means its an exceptional woman.


Yeah, I’m fine with some new skins, but it might not be appropriate for some heroes. Like mentioned, the Wardens and Pitlords have no examples of the opposite gender. Same with Dreadlords, Liches, and Dark Rangers. While WoW ****** it up, the Night Elves were originally meant to be a regimented society, meaning that the Keepers and Priestesses would only have their respective genders.

As for male heroes, only the Night Elves really have the women, and I’ve just explained why most wouldn’t have a male counterpart. Other than that you have some neutral heroes, like maybe the Sea Witch could have a male counterpart. But that’s probably why male counterparts weren’t mentioned, because they have probably only worked on females so far.

As long as they don’t give it to every hero, and only those where it would be appropriate, it should be fine.

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