Heroes gender swap for all heroes or jus a few?

Demonic eredar, described with the term man’ari (pronounced man-ah-ree),[28] are eredar that have been turned into demons by the Burning Legion. 25,000 years ago, the Dark Titan Sargeras bathed the eredar in his fel might, and turned them into demonic members of the Burning Legion.[29]

Source: xhttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Eredar#Demonic_eredar

The annihilan, commonly known as pit lords (or pitlords),[2] are a powerful species of demon recruited by Kil’jaeden[1] to serve the Burning Legion.
Source: xhttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Annihilan

I envy your simplicity in thinking it’s about sex appeal rather than just wanting to see neat alternate designs and hear the different voice actors doing the same dialogue and lines while you’re using them.

No examples doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t or shouldn’t, either.

Female Liches: Lady Deathwhisper in Icecrown Citadel and Instructor Chillheart in Scholomance.
Male Dark Ranger: Ranger Lord Nathanos Blightcaller. Sylvanas’ current, personal champion and bodyguard.

Is it them messing it up or just… moving on with the Warcraft story like they have been?

I don’t think you know what communism actually is…


You learn that the definition of truth is not what’s in dictionaries or people’s heads, but is something contradictory? If so I’d ask for my money back.

If something changes depending on the time or the person saying it, it isn’t and wasn’t truth. If someone’s telling you it was, in some modern revisionist cult or whatever, well they’re objectively wrong, because words mean what the majority of people believe they mean and/or how they’re defined in dictionaries, and that relativist definition is neither.

Statements are typically made with obvious assumptions. Eg: dragons aren’t real (to a huge degree of certainty at the current time and within a reasonable region of space (like our galaxy), going by the common definition of dragon, etc …). If we had to state obvious assumptions all the time we’d never get our meaning across. But, with those assumptions, “dragons aren’t real” is true, objectively.

Warcraft lore is not folklore, it’s… you know, Warcraft lore. Warcraft universe has its own rules and stories and histories. It can have any definition for a demon that the creators of this lore want it to have. Even the human in Warcraft aren’t the same species as we are in real life. Or unless you’re a descendant from the Vrykul…

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D’you have a source for this? In the Back2Warcraft interview with Remo, the question asked about the genderswap skins were about giving male heroes a female version, and, I quote, “and vice versa.” Pete didn’t appear to think the question was erroneous so the claim that the skins will only be about getting female version of male Heroes seems… speculative.

the communism commentary was intended as a joke, dont take it too personal.

if i tell you a small babe with bird wings,who only does good to all his fellow babies is a demon…you wouldnt believe right?..
how wow handled their demons in wow legions,
their basic description is, creature from another planet who wants to destroy azeroth,thats not description of a demon,its a description of an alien race.
even thou blizzard wants to call them demons for the dibs…
a rose with any name would still smell like rose…and vice versa…

not interested to teach you about philosophy, absolute or objective…
go to the school and learn yourself,this is not something u learn in a simple post.
but to simplify,absolute means it can never change…due i can only state something with the actual information i have…with NEW information, what i thought was truth…is not…so it changes…if it changes is not absolute… so we can only think something is true depending on the information we have available…

Along with all the art updates, Warcraft III: Reforged now features female versions of male heroes and female versions of zombies. -gameinformer
so its not speculative is what they wrote in that post…however if you say theres another one saying we getting male versions.thats cool

It’s not ‘wants to’, it’s just that it is. It’s Blizzard. The people that make and own the Warcraft franchise. What they say goes.

if they make a square shape and say that’s a wheel, thats perfectly fine for you, other people is not simple minded.

So you don’t care about Warcraft lore, then? Because the people that make it are wrong because you “is” not simple minded?

people have both plural and singular meanings,so it can be either people is or are…just in case u playing smart there.
people who made Warcraft lore 16 years ago is not the same making it now…
so yeah Im sorry to break it out to you but for many fans Warcraft lore ended in frozen throne.

start making the math,how many people think the same you do, how many people dont…and dont even bother to lie cause I’ve seen u fighting with people in many posts now…you are clearly minority about this wow changes.

Chris Metzen was the story guy from Warcraft 2 all the way up to and including the Legion expansion for World of Warcraft.


i said people,not the guy, as in the group of people who assembled created the story

It’s not like every document, script, or post-it note that the writing team wrote makes it in. You know that, right? The director of story works with them and gives final approval in the end.

yeah as you said one person can not do all…so all those people together created the story together…with ideas from everyone…that was the magic…

and that magic has long gone…ask warlords of draenor

You’re preaching make-believe “postmodern relativism” flat earth falsehood then trying to pretend you can teach something, so that you can defend posting this:

I tried to engage you to avoid the need to flag your thread for CoC violation. Go look up the dictionary definitions of truth - that’s where ordinary words are defined, not in obscure philosophies that have contrary definitions.

Ok whatever you say, as i said,this is something u learn in school, not something u look up definition for in a dictionary, believe whatever it is you want to believe

If your school taught you that they taught you wrong. And if you’re convinced that the meaning of words isn’t something you look up in a dictionary, well, um, I’m not sure I can help any further.

Not a school sweetheart… University, if you consider an abstract concept like truth absolute and unchangeable, then there’s nothing I can do to help you… You would do for a good jehovas witness sharing absolute truth.

The more models they put in the game the better IMO. I also think it’s cool that there are different genders for Heroes. I can see why they might be reluctant to do it for units as it would make it a little tricky to identify everything in big battles. However, having the option to have all male or all female units would work fine, just not a mix.

I’m guessing that they actually said something like “in philosophy X, people believe that truth is relative”, and you just misunderstood. Either that or your university sucks.

Do you consider the abstract concept of “2” as changeable?
Anyway, this has gone on long enough, I’m going to flag your post and let them deal with you, I’m done here. These forums will go bad if comments like that get through.