Headless horseman DK skin

  1. You are missing the point that the option to disable skins can not be physically implemented or Bobby Kotick will lose faith in humanity.

  2. You are missing the point that I have mentioned SC2 because… it’s an RTS. Like WC3. And HotS is a DotA-like… Not like WC3.

its called a MobA and mobas are basically a watered down version of RTS

bruhh does it sound like i play SC2 in the first place?? I finished the campaigns took a glance at multiplayer and went back to WC3

Or else i wouldn’t even know there were skins in it in the first place

No, it is not. Unless you’re a Riot shill.

Dude, unironically, do you have no idea about the history of computer gaming?

Actually true, but not quite and not really.

Again missing the point. What I’m saying is that to gauge which skins might be implemented to WC3, you should check a fellow RTS.

My biggest fear is WC3 turning into SC2 with co-op commanders and such, if i wanted to play a game like SC2, I’d play SC2. Same with the skins. IS it that big of a deal that i want an OPTION to make skins no longer show?

whats wrong with co-op? I don’t play SC or any other RTS besides WC3, I love wc3 multiplayer and I rarely play custom games, but a new co-op mode (besides the fanmade one) would be awesome IMO, im sick of single player campaigns

its not like a co-op mode would effect multiplayer

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Really? Wow. This is the first time I see anyone actively hating SC2’s Co-op in WC3. Why?

Why? Don’t you like pretty? Are you buying Reforged? If affirmative, for reasons other than pretty?

co-op commanders are small 2 player missions within the game where you grind endlessly to try to level up your co-op commanders (characters from the story act as commanders). It’s really not fun.

the only reason I might buy reforged (eventually) is for the customizable UI

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oh I never actually played SC co-op… but I love the fanmade co-op campaign in wc3, and I would like an official co-op mode for wc3, just not one based on grinding for levels

Yes, because WC3 will be alive again! People playing it, new custom maps and campaigns, and yes good graphics are nice and remember what i said about the horseman?? I’d be fine with skins as long as they aren’t super flashy! like the skins in HotS!

I agree i have played a few coop campaings in WC3 and it’s fun.

Basic recolors are good in HotS, but then when they get super flashy like the mecha tyrael on the Blizzcon 2019 key art, it gets a little to much.

I doubt it will be released before Blizzcon

Yeah i know but why would they put that there lol

can’t wait for monkey king blademaster and candy mk in the game!!! wooooooooooooooo

Exactly what i don’t want right there lmao

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those would be so ugly to see in WC3 lol

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I’m gonna go eat some food now… good talk everyone

Affect you how? Do you suck so bad that skins confuse you?