Headless horseman DK skin

We need the headless horseman for a DK skin. Most epic Holliday boss from wow.


You know something?

I will fully support this if we also get Greatfather Winter as a Mountain King skin.


Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaz! 20 char

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I imagine they will make a HOTS like skin customization eventually.

Please, no silly skins! No jokes! It’s a serious game! Go back to HotS if you want that heresy!

Look at SC2! Do you see any jokes? Are the Tal’darim a joke to you? Are the mechanical Zerg? That’s ruthless. That is what suits an RTS. No funny! No kids!


I am fine with some silly or joke skins but I don’t want the game to be plagued with it like HotS is.

Another thing, we should be able to turn specific skins off.

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That will never, ever be an option. Stop requesting it.

I wish I could turn off seeing joke skins in Heroes of the Storm.
Most of them are ugly or not that funny.
I have a special place in my heart for Azmodunk though. But that one is genius.

Anyway Heroes if the Storm is all about cross universe and cross franchise fun. Joke skins suit heroes of the storm.

Warcraft should have all the skins in universe and plausible.
But I mean… The headless horseman is just kind of great and doesn’t look silly. He looks really cool.

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Screw you. I want to be able to make my holiday machinima.

As a Stitches main someone please give him a real skin that isn’t ‘haha funni’.

See, I don’t see it this way. I believe your statements to be in a contradiction.

HotS never needed joke skins. I craved alternate-history and franchise-mixing skins such as Shan’do Illidan, Betrayer Malfurion and High Templar Li-Ming.

The plushy skin is as serious as it gets. It symbolizes the recognition of HotS as a DotA-like for babies.

Oh no, it’s me. I am the target audience.

I don’t know whats wrong with those kind of events like Halloween,xmass ect…some other game goodies, skins, portraits etc

Better getting some skins without paying for it, and the game is more interesting and who doesn’t like it don’t need to have to play does events and use those skins.

And lol ,it’s a “serious” game ,this is a word what you can’t say about Blizzard and it’s games :))

I can’t believe there are people here who want to ruin Reforged with cancerous skins.

Please, don’t. Can’t we agree at least here?

Look at SC2 - there are no Christmas skins. Purely lore-related. Maybe the Aquatic Zerg are a bit out there, but still grounded in the reality of their universe.

Also, stop using the argument that it’s optional. Non sequitur.

And what about the Carbot sssst on SC1? Isn’t a silly joke? Where they left seriousity ?

Maybe it’s not black and white?
Maybe there’s shades of grey?

I’m mostly on your side here. I don’t want overly silly skins in WC3 because it doesn’t suit the tone.
The Headless Horseman looks cool and doesn’t do anything particularly egregiously silly beyond speaking in rhyme. Which is no more out of step with Warcraft levity than most more comical unit voice lines.

Heroes of the Storm however is a game where Brightwing, Jim Raynor and Mephisto can all be on the same team to beat the stupid out of Tyreal, Garrosh and Diablo.
It is basically Blizzard Smash Brothers.

I don’t like the silly skins in Heroes, I detest most of them (exception being Azmodunk who is glorious.) and wished I could toggle not seeing them.
But I can’t deny that they are fine in a game that is inherently ridiculous.

As for “DotA-like for babies.”

  1. Thank you for insulting another Blizzard community.
  2. You do realise that DotA2 and League of Legends also have tons of silly cosmetics right? DotA’s case 90% of the couriers for example.
    Some of the heroes are inherently silly even.
    League is stuffed with joke skins that break lore.
    This is par for the course.

And KingOmelette…
As somebody who also loves playing stitches and compulsively roleplays him in matches (mike off naturally, don’t want to annoy the team with my bad ad-libbing) I feel your pain. Stitches deserves some love. A good scary monstrous skin. Maybe a cool zerg skin.
(Even though I’m still baffled why Stitches? Why not Patchwerk? I had never heard of Stitches before Heroes of the Storm and I played WoW from launch. Apparently a questline in Duskwood… so half the player base had never seen or heard of him.)

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You’re literally the only person I know of who’s never heard of Stitches.

Nobody I knew who played WoW knew stitches. But then again we all played Horde.
None of us had ever been to Duskwood for anything other than running through it go from Stranglethorn to Swamp of Sorrows.

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I am amazed you never even crossed paths with Stiches then. Unless, of course, you started playing post-Cataclysm.

I said I played from launch, beta even.
But no, you do not come across Stitches on that route. Why would a Horde ever go to anywhere near Raven Hill Cemetary?

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