Headless horseman DK skin

Uh, yeah you do. Stitches spawns at Raven Hill Cemetary and marches east toward Darkshire pre-Cata. He WILL be on the road the majority of the time, and that same road is the one you need to take in order to reach the turn-off near Darkshire to go to Swamp of Sorrows.

The fact you never crossed paths with him even once is amazing.

Then maybe I might have and just killed him and not remember it as anything special. Just a named abomination trundling along.
You kill lots of things en-route, but if that’s the case that’s even worse as far as being memorable goes.

Now Patchwerk absolutely destroyed me many times. Yes he was just a gear-check but he hit like a runaway icecream van on us tanks.

Though again, the downside of the road is that it’s also where you encounter Alliance more in Duskwood, so if you’re just hopping zones, back in classic, better to stay off the road.

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Ah. Well, that makes sense I guess.

Plus when Cata launched he ceased to be a post-questline world spawn and was made the target of a phased quest where he’s already in Darkshire with his creator riding on his shoulder.

I prefer the pre-Cata version tbh. Actually I can say that about a LOT of WoW content these days.

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A headless horseman deathknight…

I’m down with that.
Don’t think it’ll ever happen but still I’d pay for it if it did.

The skins should only be visible by the player with them, so that you can still look at a paladin and not get confused as to what hero it is, and come with a portrait.

The Spoils of War skins are fine cause you can still figure out who is who but a great father winter and headless horseman might be fine, but if they add like 5 skins for every hero it’ll start to be hard to tell them all apart.

How can you even consider it an argument?

Carbot is not skins. Carbot is an entirely separate mod. That’s literally a “skin pack” (not a skin pack, if you are taking it literally) that you can disable.


Dude, honestly… I’ve been saying for years that HotS requires a higher average team skill level than Dota2. But what I said meant the current state of HotS and Blizzard’s having left it for dead.

Dota2’s cosmetics are never silly, actually. They’re edgy and lore-appropriate.

But they are overloaded with disgusting particle effects. Hate them. Despise them.

Is this never going to end? Can you please stop suggesting the option to disable all skins? It will never ever happen in a trillion years. Stop it.

Better say that you are opposed to silly skins and/or skins that ruin the silhouette and/or skins that are overloaded with particle effects and/or change the colour palette too drastically.

Ahhh Sir Thomas Thomson, the cursed and former Knight of the Silver Hand, today he is known as the Headless Horseman after the events of the Scarlet Monastery.

I think it would be amazing to have him as a skin, speaking in rhymes, pumpkin death coils, his magnificent laugh, would be very cool.

We’ll see how reforge will do til the next halloween.

Are there really so many people wanting to spoil my Reforged?

StarCraft 2 ignores Halloween and other silly holidays.

Stop worrying about how other people like to play.

Those skins would actively affect me as a player even if I choose not to use them.

Unless you’re one of those who futilely and naïvely believe that you’ll get the option to turn them off…

Oh no. You are.

I personally want to keep the WC3 we know and love without having to have so many skins like in HoTS. In the WC3 we have now, it’s easy to take one glance and figure out what hero you’re going up against, and with the models we have now it seems like it will be the same in Reforged. However, making skins that are super flashy would make it so you have to take up to 3 seconds looking at it trying to figure out what it even is, and in a game like WC3 3 seconds is enough time to lose the game. I might agree with something like the headless horseman, as it is very close to the death knight we already have, but if it gets as extreme as the HoTS skins, nah nah nah, there should at the least be an option to disable the skins.

You should go mind your own beeswax and play the game. All we even want is an OPTION TO MAKE SKINS DISAPPEAR. What your asking for is to deprive us of even an option and keep it all how you want it. Feel free to turn on skins, I couldn’t care less. But you shouldn’t try to keep us deprived of a simple preference.

No. I’m saying that no game with skins in the history of gaming with skins has ever had such an option, so asking for that is futile.

Still, with WC3, you have a unique ability to do so - by playing on Standard Definition.

Why do you even choose HotS as a reference point? Why not SC2?

I really hope that is true, if I am playing Classic version I don’t want to see skins

It can’t be false. Do you think Blizzard are a charity?

what? I didn’t ask for “free” skins?

Can you add 2 to 2? You are afraid Blizzard are going to give out skins for free.

(Because not all SD players are going to buy Reforged. Honestly, why buy Reforged at all if you’re an old player…)

no you don’t understand… if YOU buy a skin and use it in a multiplayer game, then OTHER players who did not buy that skin will still see it, that’s the whole point of buying the stupid skins in the first place

Starcraft 2 skins are not nearly as extreme as HoTS skins, and any good game developers would implement a change in enough people ask for it and it’s a good idea, if i never ask, how will anyone know i want it?

Yeah sure but there should be an option to NOT show the skins, that simple.

of course, I am agreeing with you completely