Grubby switches to NetEase for the time being

He switched to NetEase today on his twitch stream and here’s the reason why (you can type “!WhyNetEase” in his chat and the bot will answer you):

Now that Battlenet ping has also been sporadically high, and there’s an influx of new players (great!) that aren’t too challenging however, and w/ the queue bugs, it’s finally time to play on NetEase. Expecting some lag and hard games but maybe if it becomes a thing it’ll end up being a good experience.

Even Grubby (“Poster boy” - what some people have been calling him lol - I REALLY Like Grubby though!) is switching off blizzard servers lol (I’ll let you form your opinion how this looks…).

I said to him that I hate that he would be playing on NetEase because of splitting communities bwteen bnet and NetEase, he replayed something in the line: Well I feel the same, but I don’t have much choice anymore.

He also said that he’d rather play consistent 200 ping (which he does on NetEase) than randomly having high/low ping and having 300+ he also said id rather log off if there isn’t good quality connection.

He also mentioned in his stream that he sometimes gets very high ping even when playing with people that are nearby geographically - he is from Netherlands and sometimes when matched vs someone from Germany or Sweeden he gets 300+ ping anyways, which is bad.

In the end even though I hate it, he’s in a way forced to, he’s viewers are pleased to watch him play on NetEase. Maybe this will stir up some dust in Blizz headquarters and allocte more resources on our beloved game.

Wish to see him back on the Bnet servers and even looking forward to attracting the Chinese/Korean pro scene that play on NetEase mostly.



How can he satisfy the crowd without any challenge… I respect him and others pro players/streamers for being still profesionnal. We were hoping for hype we get…

NetEase has more high-level players, observing system, better MMR, re-connections, detailed profile statistics, etc. AND you can even join a game without making yourself through the laggy 10-fps main menu.

What does Blizzard have?


This is not his forum. Stop advertising him here. Most people here wouldn’t know (nor care) who that is.

Edit: This post was wrongfully report spammed by idiots, censoring it until the mods restored it. Next time, report the proper target, which is at the top. He made the thread, not me. You waste everyone’s time by abusing or misusing the system.

Oh, cmoon - He has the most viewership of all the WC3 Streamers, cmoon this is not advertising… Grubby is very influential on the WC3 Scene - he even casted the reforged Demo on 2018 Blizzcon!

This is me, posting news related to the Warcraft 3 Reforged scene as of today!

edit: Grubby couldn’t care less about this lol


Another reason not to give them free promotion.

If you think this is advertising than you think every news channel is advertising - than okay I give up, YOU ARE RIGHT!

Don’t play with words like that Drain, won’t take you much far.


Why would anyone willingly play with 200+ ping?

Bli$$ard’s servers are unacceptably bad right now.


Or you could say why would a very good player want to play against reforged noobs ? Even at 3k MMR…

Good to know, didn’t know you could do reconnection on netease, can you do custom games and stuff too?

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My post about this was deleted by the mods…

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U have 200+ ping on Netease too

Yeah but it doesn’t spike, has relog capabilities and actual competition. Something Warcraft reforged can’t claim…


Actual competition is only thing u get. Pros don’t care about after-game logs and other stuff.

Midnight said it best

NetEase has more high-level players, observing system, better MMR, re-connections, detailed profile statistics, etc. AND you can even join a game without making yourself through the laggy 10-fps main menu.

That’s clearly a huge upside


I don’t know who is Midnight but i never saw Happy, Foggy, Oc or other guys bothered with MMR statistics or other stuff.

Imagine not Being the real drainer and still name yourself drain.
What a mindbusting thing is this?

Female models kappa.


they want strong opponents to play against. happy achieved a 99% winrate with over 1000 wins on the old EU bnet and some of the few losses were disconnects.

theres no use in pubstomping beginners for anyone.

high elo players need a pool of high elo opponents and low level players must be protected from getting matched with semi or full pros.


He should play HOTS full time again, than an unconfortable WarIII due to high ping, he will enjoy more than his viewers.