game install link not working for legacy users
game link forces you to download bnet launcher
Bliz doesn’t officially offer the legacy versions any more, which is likely why the links in the account management don’t lead to the legacy versions.
So really, all that can be done (that is also safe) is to use the links in the thread that Actitct quoted.
The links I provided are hosted by Blizzard.
For sure!
But they are not officially offered. Those links are essentially a backdoors to the install files.
You can also isntall any game regardless of account status by opening the app, and clicking the gear icon in the login window and selecting “continue without logging in”
install games
Log out and back in
…and ?
all of the links work! Good job kind Sir!!!
And nothing. That was the entirety of my point. Were you not able to understand it as such?
A distinction without a difference. Not sure why you’d say this, you can get the old installers from the internet archive, as well as many other places, who cares if the url doesn’t have in it as long as it works and doesn’t have malware? (always scan for malware, even from “official” sources)
Mainly, as a cautionary tale. I said it because those were the exact words Bliz used with me when I asked about it years ago. It’s unofficial status is to give them room to do anything they want with it, including take it, or the service down without any regard for the community who uses it. Not to mention they won’t support it.
It’s that malware part that is a gamble. The vast majority of the community isn’t going to have the understanding/know how to identify if any is present. Yes everyone should scan, but not everyone will. Some won’t even know how. And not everyone even uses AVs.
So everyone should care.
Which is why you scan for it. Something you should do regardless of where you get your files from.
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We’re not talking about me.
And some/many won’t.
Those links I provided are the Blizzard FTP server.
You essentially just repeated the same thing you said to me earlier. And the answer hasn’t changed. I know, Arcitct. So I’ll try it another way:
Again, they are not official offerings of the games. Yes, the URLs are circulating around the community likely because tech savy people found them and/or they made their way to the public.
However they are not advertised or given out in any official capacity (or at least not supposed to be) because they are not meant to be an official source for the games.
Again, its a distinction without a difference. If it’s Blizzard’s own FTP server, it’s “official,” whether it’s advertised or not. It can be reasonably assumed that blizzard doesn’t keep malware infested copies of the game on its own servers.
tch tch then why bother?
… why are you troubled though?
I only stated the details of the situation. Any trouble would be purely of your own creation. For example, your need to poke me in a thread that died off 3 weeks ago. Seems it’s not me who’s troubled.
Your “details” were of no use particular use, they added nothing to the conversation. Your tone however reflected your displeasure. Hence my inquiry. Oh, poke you? thread has not been locked, yet. So…