Game crashes on game end or map restart

Ever since 2.0 hit my game crashes every time I restart a map I am already playing, and every time the game ends. For example, playing against AI, the instant I kill the last enemy building my client crashes. It also crashes the instant I press F10 > E > R to restart a map.

Playing on PC, Windows 11.


I was having issues of another sort, myself, so I reinstalled both and Warcraft III, and now I’m experiencing this issue as well. Both restarting and quitting cause an immediate crash.

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Brother, I’m the same way. For F10-E-Q or F10-E-R, the game will crash directly, but this happens when there are more than 11 players. I guess the split screen cannot accommodate 12 or more players

So… there’s been another little update.

Any changes on your ends? I’m still crashing when restarting or quitting, but maybe if I completely reinstalled and Warcraft III again

Rather just play the game right now though.

PowerKing, I just tested it and I do indeed have that specific issue. 11 players or less and everything’s fine, 12 players and it crashes on game end or restart.

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Yes, my friend, this hot fix doesn’t include this. Didn’t they notice? Or can’t our calling sound compare to the sound of the Mac problem next door? Pay attention to it, more people need to recognize this issue because it should not exist

I misspoke earlier: With 11 players I can quit or restart the map without crashing, but when the game ends I still crash as the last building is destroyed.

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Yes, I understand what you mean. That’s right, this bug really exists, and now we need Blizzard technicians to see our post

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I’m having this issue too so i just uninstalled the game.

I realize I’m late for the party, but there is one fix that has worked for me so far. You have to lower the graphics settings and turn V-sync off. Stupid, I know.