[FIXED] Unable to play custom/downloaded maps! HELP!

Is anyone else experiencing an issue where downloaded maps can’t be played?

Blizzard’s maps (in “War3.W3mod”, the World Editor says) are fine, but for anything that’s downloaded, anything I might create myself, and even saved duplicates of the Blizzard maps, there are zero player slots. Also, if I start up a Blizzard map beforehand, then try one of the problem cases, it acts as though I picked the Blizzard map, rather than showing the correct name and such.

I’ve tried reinstalling the game, making sure to remove files that remained after uninstalling, but there’s no change. The problem persists.

I don’t know what to do.
Somebody, please help me! :pray:

Is this post being ignored like my last one because nobody’s having the issue, or is it like… there’s a solution somewhere, and I’m just not aware of it, but nobody’s telling me for some reason? :thinking:

I really truly don’t know what I have to do here. Warcraft III just can’t find the map files when it comes to loading their data for the lobby.

Maybe I should be trying to reinstall Battle.net itself?

I’ll try it. No other ideas. :weary:

Battle.net reinstalled.

Warcraft III reinstalled.

The problems of custom/downloaded maps being unplayable has been fixed.

If your games give you any issues, try reinstalling both Battle.net and Warcraft III.

Something else has started happening instead, however.

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