FPS Drops Fixed?

I had the FPS Drop Bug. And for me it’s now working after installing AMD Adrenalin Software package.

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For me it still does not work. Also installed AMD Adrenalin.

Need fix this problem with FPS DROP, please

Good luck getting an update on the weekend

I just restarted my pc. and fps drops were back. what helped => Go to windows graphicsettings select warcraft 3 high performance and save => then go to the same graphicsettings again and select “let windows decide”. FPS are better now BUT still not the same as on PTR

Please post in the tech support thread with your dxdiag, this will help them to find and potentially address the problem.

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Goodluck getting an update in general.

Blizzard NEVER admits they did something wrong, They are already trying to blame user cards when game ran just fine last update and update before that and update before that one and the update before that update.

Wouldn’t putting out patches and hotfixes in response to sudden issues overtly indicate that the issue is on their end?

Did they now? Cite where Bliz unilaterally blamed users’ “cards” with this.

Whole lotta conveniently contrived and deluded drivel in your recent run of posts. Sounds like you need to get yourself to Anaheim and show those charlatans everything they are doing wrong.


Turns out this post aged rather poorly. They did in fact acknowledge the issue and a fix is available for testing on the PTR.

And no: They didn’t blame anyone or anything for the issue.

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