FPS Broke again due to last Hotfix 22385

Everything in title, the game is not enjoyable again nor playable ( from 200-300 fps stable to => 70-80 fps unstable, game is lagging/freezing) since today after the release of the last patch Hotfix 22385 at 18 november2024. AMD Ryzen CPU users
Blizzard please…


honest question: why to play wc3 or any rts game with more then 60 fps?

i am just asking, because i play on 60 fps (4k screen) since years…for ego shooters i would understand it, but for warcraft? i honestly don’t see the big benefit tho

for the laggs/freezes i feel you


60 fps is fine for early game, but not in big battle when a lot of things happen but the main issue is the unstability/unsteady of those fps which makes the game lagging like every 3-4sec you can feel it


can confirm it - you broke the game again for us ryzen user in exchange for fixing it for mac users.
im sick and tired of fearing that the fps issues return after every new update!


i play on 60 fps since the game is out and also have a decent win rate, never had issues even in large battles. There are no fast movements as in shooter games, there you need higher fps…from the technical point of view there is no need for higher fps for warcraft 3.

But what i totally understand is, if you was used to play with higher fps, without laggs and freezes, that people get mad when the new patch added this issue. I personally dont face it and can play normally.

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bro… that comment is so 2012

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with respect bro, high fps is for fast paced games or better explained, games where you have a lot of pictures in a short period. Battlefield, Call of Duty need high fps. Warcraft not.

But maybe the younger people can’t with 60 fps anymore haha

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If 60Hz is the lowest it goes, even 50 to 40Hz, it’s playable.

Those who feel it’s not are just spoiled with higher framerates that their monitors likely aren’t even displaying. And if someone has a higher framerate monitor, the human visual system can’t see the difference.

Not to say that 50 to 40 isn’t perceiveable. When used to high FRs, below 60Hz can be noticeable, however, it’s 100%, completely playable.


@urmomplayswc this is true in a low level game my dude if you play a 1200 mmr game it doesnt matter right ?, not in a high level game, nobody would have a chance with 60 ms vs a skilled opponent, because wc3 is not a RTS like every rts( you select units ,and u move,…) we both know in wc3 there is unique mechanic such as surround, modyblock, deny, no need to mention all the spells, the heroes usage, the inventory, more like a RTS-moba. i have 2200 mmr in w3c champions and I have 95 % winrate in classic bnet 1v1 cauz the level at bnet platform is incredibly low, and I can assure you that I don’t have a single chance to win a single solo game with this fps vs an opponent with similar level, I can’t even try. 60fps is playable, but not in a “competitive” or high level game

In theory, true.
The problem is the FPS is dropping , increasing/decreasing every 2-3 sec, very unstable to resume and this, cauze lag, freeze. like you play with 300 ms but anyway… This issues happned 5 times already in 2 years, in 2022 and 2023 there are almost 20 threads about that fps issue, this is serious problem. everytime blizzard release a patch there a chance that they break fps for amd ryzen users… I just hope it wont take 4 months for them to fix that like previously and Its such a shame that this happened again, like blizzard can’t fix that permanently ? for once… ? zz


im sick and tired of having to fear that after every patch or hotfix the fps issues are coming back…the last time they needed 4 to 6 months to fix it and we didnt even got a post acknowledging it.
mac users cried and got their problem fixed within 4 to 6 weeks.



same, exactly the same issue as last year. Funmaps get a painfull 0.1 fps for many players now.


Many users here seem to be misunderstanding OP. Having 60 fps or whatever value is not an issue here but sudden drops from 200 to 60 in seconds like OP mentioned which causes massive stutter and these mini freezes which occur every couple seconds while frantically going up and down. They fixed this in their last update before 2.0 which they still never even released patch notes for, so now we are back at status quo.


We barely got it fixed some of us are still riddled with all sorts of whacky issues. Stating we whined and cried is a bit of a reach though. Especially when a lot of PC users were like “They only make a small percentage of the player base!”.

You mean the input lag caused by the huge fps drop (the stutter/freezes Helskrim mentioned) - for that i recommend that you just limit your fps in the options until blizzard brings another patch. I just want to say, you can limit to 60 fps without any issues - if you want to enjoy the game in the current state. That’s what i am doing successfully + enjoying the versus mode.

What is crucial for me personally is the PING - if you have a ping of 200 and your enemy just 20…then you will loose for sure, because you are not able to micro your units. The Ping is bothering me the most, sometimes i have 200 or even 300 ping, which is in the most cases a automatic loss for me. As a 2v2 player, i face often people from different places of the world.

btw. a new patch is released =

No, Its going from 200+fps to .01 FPS.


yep 0,3 fps in maps which i could play before with 50 fps

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When I move the mouse and try to see what’s happening on the right side, sticky, lag, what’s added in version 2.0


I just switched from mac to windows with AMD ryzen HX 370 and FPS is all over the place in big fights, its unplayable.

Why are you defeding a billion dollar company that cant make the game function properly on high end gaming computers?


I don’t see anyone here defending any company. The purpose of this thread is trying to solve a problem, neither to attack or defend anything. Save the battles for the (hopefully working) game.

Very interesting insight from a good player, i didnt expect that such an old game takes advantage of higher fps screens, especially because the game was developed before this hype came up…now i want to buy a higher fps screen to test this out lol.

But tbh as long i face in the most of my 2vs2 games 100+ ping it won’t change anything for me and my micro capabilities.

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