Female Character Design - Then Vs Now

Early 2000s had a character design that can be described as very exaggerated. For both male and female all the characters were almost 70% chest. Compared to current character design which is much more realistic.

In particular this post is about female character design and my opinion on keeping the early 2000 aesthetic. Take sorceress from the original warcraft 3 for instance, they often felt like they were a good 70% chest. Most female models were like this and they all had comically oversized chests. Both male and female characters were guilty of this. Orc grunts were guilty of this on the male side. There are many famous boob windows from many characters just like there are many famous male characters that just never wear shirts or any form of real armor. I believe that this design style should stay or at the very least come back as an optional skin.

Compare it to modern design styles where characters are properly proportioned and not 70% chest like they were in the past.Sylvanas is a good example of changes to character design after Wc3 that would not display well in an RTS. With her modern form, many of her features, including the chest and the chest armor are toned down. I think that this change, while it may work in an RPG format, would not mesh well or keep the same character style in a top-down RTS format. Her model in the original warcraft 3 had a lot of cleavage compared to her modern design where she has actual boob armor even if her chest is still large and that is some of the only armor she has.

I believe that the early 2000s design should stay for both the male and female characters. Thoughts on the change of aesthetic over the years and should the old aesthetic stay or should it be modernized?


I’m don’t mind either way. I didn’t really focus on the characters’ chests, I was more focused on the story and game play.


Heroes of the Storm has her modern design and a terribly similar, if not blatantly identical camera (height, distance, camera). Maybe her model there is scaled up more than it would be in Reforged, but. No real clarity problems there.


I think someone has a fetish


Oh lmao thought the same :rofl:

I feel that the modern design should be used instead of the 2000s design. I saw the Grubby stream from Blizzcon 2018 where he played the Culling of Stratholme mission and I thought the old Jaina design just doesn’t work with the higher fidelity graphics. It may have been ok with the older, more cartoonish and blocky style but I think the character designs have moved forward so much since then that it would be a real shame to go back to the old designs.

I thought the design also looked inconsistent with Arthas and Uther who have very bulky, ornate armor. By comparison I thought that Jaina’s outfit was too simplistic.

One of my favorite things in Battle for Azeroth has been to see Jaina’s new updated look. She looks incredible. Same for sylvanas. They kept true to the original character design but updated it to look cooler, more practical and ornate enough that it really speaks to the high status of the characters.

I’m also worried about how the night elves will look, since a lot of them are basically wearing fur bikinis in WC3. I think in the modern day this design just doesn’t hold up and I’d love to see something that stays true to the original design but is more functional.

Or maybe you can choose which one you get to see? Obviously that would be heaps more work for the team, but I still want to see what the old designs COULD look like.

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We got a pervert here… :smirk:

TBH I think Heroes of the Storm is the base design they should work off of, in terms of ‘modern proportions’. It doesn’t have to stick to the design, but use it as a basis for how proportions work out.

Reforged is doing its own thing. We have concepts of the Priestess of the Moon, Warden and Female Demon Hunter and I think they look fine. The skimpy armor came back as Heritage Armor for Night Elves in BFA too. Design-wise, they hold up.

And even Jaina is actually more different from her traditional outfit than the Heroes of the Storm model. Her original outfit was purely cloth, whereas she’s actually wearing plate and metal now. I don’t know how you would factor that as ‘functional’, but it’s definitely something different while still familiar.

I don’t think covering up every unit makes sense. This is Warcraft RTS, where the Orcs fight bare-chested in hides instead of the red full-suited battle armor that we’ve been seeing in BFA. I don’t think Night Elf huntress or archers need to be covered up any for ‘functional’ reasons when their entire race is rooted in fantasy. I mean, shadowmeld is supposed to reflect hiding in shadows, so less armor is fine since it represents their stealth and mobility.


i hope they keep fidelity and authenticity, i dont want too see gender double standars like the new mortal kombat did (female skin forbidden but males show a lot), skimpy armor and good proportions for everyone or for none, thats it


the fur bikini works for rexxar and slutmog works for eredar, it will work for night elves just like it does for orcs and trolls


besides “practical armor” is a ridiculous request on a fantasy game, i hope they dont pay attention to the new church people (disguised as sjw and feminist) and to their twisted double standards, skimpy armor is an iconic part of night elf design


Just an FYI, you can edit your posts and add to them instead of hitting the post button every time you have a new thought.


This guy really makin this big post just to see some anime cleavage

Who cares???


You need to go outside and talk to a girl, having an opinion like this in one way or another is deeply disturbing.

You sound like you’re some sort of Eliot Roger Jr. Which is impossible because he couldn’t get laid.

so having an opinion you dislike is wrong? is pathetic to see people threatened by female skin just like old puritans did, besides there are also females that likes that kind of armor because its pretty, not everything is restricted to your limited (and outdated) bias


Sometimes it’s not about the skin showing but it being done in a deliberately done way that dumbs down the overall design.

We are too late, another normal thread has been all infected it may look fine now but it is just a matter of time before it turns out to be a feminist fight, this entire topic most be purged.


what about moral consistency? if skimpy armor is fine on orcs and troll i dont see why it could be wrong on night elves? (all of those being fictional races that dont need to fit on human fashion standards)


Probably doesn’t matter for them because they’re fictional races with fictional moral consistencies. Hell the humans in Warcraft are so fantastically silly too they’re more or less a fictional race too.

Unless you mean applying strictly our ‘moral consistencies’. I’d be okay with heavily armoured orcs and troll designs too.

Artworks for male/female characters were not 70% chest even on warcraft 3, the problem is that they had to be indeed 70% chest in game to understand that one character was a beefy boi and the other was a female…

About the huuuge cleavages on female characters, they too were done so in-game you would understand better that they were female; But i am the first to admit that it would look very silly to see t/tty monsters everywhere when playing night elves for example, i love that they are going for less super deformed proportions and that we’ll be more able to recognize stronk male characters not only because they have immense muscular bodies or recognize female because they have because they have beautiful siluettes and not because of their nonsensical, immense and anti-gravity (and clichè) tiddies