Female archmage, paladin or blood mage?

In my logic, A is both B and C (but B is not C).



Thank you weā€™ve already covered that one in particular.
And my stance regarding female paladins has shifted accordingly.
If you happen to know of any others that were also active at the time, I would be interested.

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This one is a possibility, but we donā€™t have any example of her existence in the past (or her age) as is the case with Abbendis.

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Interesting, Still though itā€™s tough to judge when they actually started as a paladin.
Time of final expiration is clear enough.
If only we had her ageā€¦
Suppose it canā€™t be helped.
That oneā€™s plausible at best Iā€™d say.

Though I do enjoy the scarlet crusade, itā€™s a bit strange that the only two examples thus far are mildly insane zealots from an anti-scourge cult of twisted light.

At any rate thanks for digging that one up.

first of all they should really change paladins face and hair before making anything else regarding this unit