Female archmage, paladin or blood mage?

there will be possibly when they sell the skin, but they will not be free ofc.

i support this! i think every hero deserve a female version! at least a view more!

a female bloodmage would be awesome and PLEASE change the apperance of the paladin! ty!

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The point you’re illustrating is fair.
Melee is like the ultimate “what if?” scenario, it’s not 100% ironclad bound to the lore.

But there still has to be some basis.
Every hero has at least one such link to the lore, one example of that particular hero.
And presently you have not provided so much as a single solitary example of a female paladin that was alive and active at that time.
Or in other words no basis.

The only examples here are are from myself and Antonidas.
Neither of which fit the bill.
A Clerist that died some time before the third war and a blood elf that would become a paladin some time after the third war…

The only example you’ve offered are a few quick laughs.
So once more with feeling.

Because unless for some reason the female paladin walks in with a Chewbacca style laser crossbow, is actually a vrykul, uses ice magic, and other bizarre out-of-left-field things for a character design rather than being a physically formidable, plate-wearing, hammerswinging, and Light wielding warrior/protector, it really seems like your side of things is just “I don’t like female characters in my video games”.

We have two examples now of gender swapped heroes. Yes, they could each be improved somewhat. But they really aren’t as heinous and the grand betrayals to the designs as some people are painting them to be.

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…My side?
What do I own the whole damn side?
I mean am I the sole founder and progenitor of all anti women sentiments?
Whelp since we are going there.

I like women in video games just fine.
Samus, lara croft, Aloy, Bayonetta,lightning, Heldegard von Krone the list goes on a fair bit but surely you get the point.

So if you want to play that crap card by all means have at it.
Your dead wrong but hey by ALL MEANS go ahead.

I mean sure I’ve been defending the female deathknight and the idea of a demon huntress because it legitimately makes sense given the specific nature of night elf society but, obviously I must have something specifically against women after all it is “my side” right?

I have spent a fair chunk of time defending the Lady death knight because I like the character model and because there were lady death knights active during the third war!.
I have exhaustively pointed out that demon huntresses make more sense than demon hunters.

So, if you can give me a few bloody examples I will defend fem paladins to my last damn keystroke!

Relax, chief. I figured you’d understand that in our exchange you’d recognize that you have your angle and point of view while I have my own.

But there aren’t any examples of female Demon Hunters, yet you’re okay with that but Paladin crosses a line in a non-canon game mode because…?

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I’l relax when i’m dead, besides last thing i need is to get lynched for being associated with the wrong “side”.

There are examples though they are comparatively recent.
The Iladari in particular.

They were at the least alive and around during the third war.
As for how active they were… Wildly speculate to your hearts content.

But for paladins we got nothing, zip, zilch so the primary reason for putting them in would have nothing to do with the lore itself.

Brigitte Abbendis.

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Oh hey look at that.
Ooh and a scarlet crusader no less?

Eh Alrighty then.

And even prior to being a Scarlet Crusader she was Silver Hand.

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Little bit obscure and deranged granted but still, you actually managed to dig one up.
And former silver hand no less?
Present at the cleansing of the ashbringer…

Alright then If they were to add fem paladins I would not oppose it.
If you happen to know of any more I’d downright endorse it.

She and the Scarlet Onslaught featured enough in Wrath of the Lich King, as well as was present in the comics about Ashbringer’s origins (as well as being present in-game too in Old Durnholde back in Burning Crusade and helping in the purification of the Ashbringer’s crystal).

The more modern example is Taelia Fordragon who isn’t around during the Third War but definitely carries old school Warcraft 3 Paladin in her design.
Giant stone maul, cuirass, bare upper arms, fabric shawl, the heavily reinforced leather gloves.

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I said little bit obscure not completely.
After all usualy when one thinks of the scarlet crusade there are more prominent members that come to mind.
My favorite being sir Thomas Thomson in particular.

Tailia would have been a child at the time and would not be counted for much the same reason I would not count Lady Liadrin.
As neither were paladins during the third war.

Though I will grant you, the resemblance is striking.

All those seem viable. I hope the female AM is old, like the dude. Feels like all women in this game look 22.

If I mail you a five dollar bill, will you consider sidelining canon/lore ever so slightly for the sake of wanting to see cool, alternate but believable designs in melee/ladder/mapmaking?

No I don’t sell my beliefs.
At least not that cheaply lol.

Still though, if they added in the headless horseman…
perhaps as a death knight skin.
I might set aside lore just that once.

Female heroes: Show me an example.

Headless Horseman: wow cool

Hahahah .
It can’t be helped.

Besides only I said might, after all the guy hates undead to a spectacularly special point.

Have you just tried not getting so ardent about designs that possibly have no bearing on the grand scheme of things because they’d be more prominently featured in matchmaking or custom games than, in all likeliness, the campaign? Because it does make for a weird look when the velvet rope refuses to part for a female character design (that, if certain limitations are adhered to like armaments, postures, and animations) unless there’s good reason for it.

And there ya go again, bringing social politics into it…
And preaching to boot.

Look, lets just say for arguments sake that blizz brings in a whole slew of new female versions of everything while (grinds teeth) disregarding the lore.

But then one eventually has to ask, “whats the reasoning behind it?”.

Is it because it could be really awesome?
Is it because that’s what the fans want?
Is it what women want to see?
Maybe it’s just the right thing to do…
Perhaps it’s just a matter of “fairness” and representation…
Or perhaps it’s just because people need to cut that rope you mentioned that’s supposedly been oppressing women and keeping them all held back.

The reason behind it makes all the difference and I wont sacrifice lore for politics or social agendas.
games ought to be above such things.

So once more with feeling
If it fits the lore, even remotely case in point: sir thomas who was active during the third war and risen as a the horseman some time during or after.
Which is admittedly bit of a grey area there as his activities are mostly after the events of said war but the time of his first resurrection might have ocured before the end…

But back to the main point I can at least defend that.

1: Because the reasoning behind it is purely the awesome factor.
2: There is at least some lore to support it.
3: Because it’s classic and beloved (or despised depending who you ask) character.

I would likewise support the addition of new heroes of the female variety if they had those things going for them.