Don't increase 12 for ladder

I asked Grubby and he said that he cautiously lean towards a small increase to 14 or 16 units, his reason is the best one so far (against removing the cap), unlimited selection could lead to paging on the selection UI like SC2, which sucks.

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I actually didnt think of the paging issue but it seems so obvious when you think about it.

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Yeah, and it it is HORRIBLE in SC2, the whole selection UI really.

Maybe even with unlimited the small amout of units make it more bearable, but they would have to think about a proper way to display stuff.

that english is not broken … actually you only broke it at note but it was intented :stuck_out_tongue:

so he is only aganist it because he is not sure how UI will handle it?
that actually reasonable. if blizzard cannot fit it to UI or someting I am ok with it
but if only reason is for nostalgia I am not ok
I am actually supporting while not expecting it… after all it can cause bugs or unintented results
but if it is ok I really desire it
still even if UI is trouble it should be there even to only give command if nothing else. seperate units into pages? instead of scroll bar or reducing their size. by this it will look good enought without making a mess.

after all hiding things behind diffrent pages is style of this game.
when you build stuff: its behind stuff
when you level up your hero:behind another page

but again: if it look bad or buggy I am ok


Remove the unit cap, it has no reason to stay in a 2018 game. More choice, more skill.


Simple solution

Have both…

In the game settings allow the player to choose which option they want. Unlimited or the 12 cap, every one now has a choice and can determine for themselves what they prefer.


Rather than it looking bad or buggy its more of the annoyance of having to tab or scroll between 2+ pages to see and select all the units in one control group on the UI. At that point you might as well have had them in different control groups anyway.

well consider this: better than never being able to do it anyway :smiley:
thats why I said if its looking bad then its trouble: Because it will look bad wich… is bad? (Seriusly cosmetics matter :D)
if its causing bugs no need explaining.

Indeed, the most pleasant thing would be to have a setting in the World Editor that caters to this.
Campaigns and Standart Melee would still operate with 12-unit selection.
Map Editor would have a slider, perhaps 12-24-36-48… option that would pertain to that particular map. We’d indeed love to select more footmen as they frenzy around, but keeping it original for official tournaments and even the campaigns feels most natural to me.

I would like to play middle earth battle of helms deep with unlimited unit selection :stuck_out_tongue:
also no one mentioned yet but this can help A LOT when your team mate leave game at custom game…

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god i hope they remove the unit selection cap. it’s an arbitrary number that’s absolutely stupid to keep, and all of the purists who think it NEEDS to stay the same because ‘i don’t want it easier for noobs’ are arguing purely because they want it to stay the same for old times sake. stop. plenty of old players want it removed. honestly i think blizzard needs to have some sort of pannel or vote about this.

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Better to leave it like that so you can have the same 500 people that have been playing it for 15 years continue to play rather than take a risk that maybe will open it up to a new, fresh, player base.

People want improvements, new patches, balance changes etc but no one wants to talk money, no one wants to talk abount microtransactions, attracting new players, changing the game…

It’s been many years dude, OG players had their run :slight_smile: and the end of the day you need to face the truth - it.s still a business and they still need to make money, and the game need a larger player base

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It should be removed from the game entirely, I think the developers will remove it as it hurts the new players experience.

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Another 20+ years? It’s only been 15 years since the realse of The Frozen Throne and even then, the game has been near death for a while (like 4 years) now.
Even with the remaster, the game will struggle to make it to 2030.
We shouldn’t focus on such long term, though. While I agree that splitting the fanbase would be a bad desition, I think gameplay comes first. If they don’t want to or can’t update the old version to modern standards, the new one shouldn’t suffer.
The 12 unit selection cap is what I was asking myself every second during the presentation. If they would manage to remove it or not. I remember, even from back in the day, how bad that felt, how annoying when selecting large groups of units. I hope they do change it!


Just have it in the settings, why should we be stuck with a 12 unit camp in campaigns and ladder. Have both options available so players can choose how they want to play.


Yep, I know. I was talking about WarCraft as a whole, since the release of the first game was in 1994. It’s not important though, it’s just a detail.

I’ve never played on a competitive level, and I didn’t even wanted that, I was just having fun like a lot of other people. In that scenario, in PvE, Campaign, and regular-but-not-even-close-to-pro PvP; it didn’t bother me to have 5 or 6 Control Groups to fit the army.

That being said, I understand and agree that the 12 unit cap can be removed without harming the core of the game. (I can imagine people just selecting all the units in the screen and sending them a cross the map, but making Control Groups for attacking just because is more efficient and better that way. Of course the are aspects to think about, like mass strategies or hero-focus, AoE, and so on)

Finally, I think the the notion of the game being or not death it’s relative. I mean, I played from 2001 to 2008 or something like that. But I kept an eye on the game all this time. What sent me away from the game was not the game it self, but people (my friends moving to WoW or MOBAS). I remember when DotA came out and thinking “Farewell, War3”. Haha :joy::disappointed_relieved:.

Anyway, it was actually like 3 years ago that I find out Back2WarCraft and start following the cast of tournaments and learning more about the game. So, when the game was near death to you, it was reviving for me.

Hope Blizzard can bring new life to RTS games and to WarCraft again :slight_smile:

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I don’t know what’s the problem with removing the 12 unit limit. I think it will be great if it’s removed. It lowers the “skill floor” while possibly increasing the “skill ceiling”. Also, they have the technology and hardware unlike before where it is very limiting.

It just adds more flexibility/options. Looks like a good QoL change for me.


Or someone who knows that some strategies revolve around a specific number of units because of this limitation.

Removing this limitation will allow to use these strategies AND every new strategy who can come up with groups of 14-16-18-20 units.

For the moment i only read nostalgia from “keep the limit” posts, pls keep this thing for WoW Classic forums.

RTS is a great genre, the best RTS of all is a 16yo game, this reforged can be a massive game if it meets modern technology.


Oh yea because allowing giant stutter stepping deathball armies is such a “new and fun strategy” to play against. Sike. Literally the crappiest part about raising the unit cap would be stutter stepping entire armies. No thanks.