Don't increase 12 for ladder

I love it, I LOVE the game the way it is.
I DON’t want it changed.

and it wont change! it wont change for you? :smiley: Why you dont see it
they are not adding new units that will overshadow old ones. they are not removing spell casters from game or someting
micro will allways beat f2 + a command. so you will allways prefer it over all command
also did I understand you right? why do you love it actually?


Everyone asking this here is either an old player or a returning player, so there is a part of old players that want it.

And why it is fair to make a change for new players? Because I don’t want WC3 just for myself, I want it back into mainstream gaming, I want it to bring life back to RTSs and let the new generations have the same fun I had. Far fetched, but still worth it in my opinion.


The control limit should stay. At most you maybe have 24 units at a time so two control groups? This isn’t starcraft where you have 100+ zerglings.

I agree with you, I want the game to be main stream and I want new life into it.
I just don’t want that at the expense of the game itself.

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I cant see what you mean? game is not changing any tiny bit by doing thisO_O
you keep saying doing this will change game and will be harmful for your experince but you never say why?
wont you be ok if this can be toggled? so you can have that part of game still?
I mean… if this what is so important for you


But I don’t think it is any expense to the game at all. If someone convinces me of this I will drop it, but either I’m a huge noob overlooking some obscure aspect of the game or it really isn’t that important. It is already an edge case to be using control groups larger than 12.

I wished we could ask someone like Grubby about this, he would know how big that difference would be and then this matter would be solved.


But as we stated this does change some micro interaction in the ladder environment. There is also the slippery slope argument that once you open the door to changing gameplay elements then everything can potentially be changed. If we can have unlimited control groups then why not improved unit pathing? Why not increased item slots? why not better unit AI? Why not better unit collision? This is why I would just rather leave the gameplay in its entirety alone.

visuals too change “some” perspective for players too… some players may play better with reskinned models
should we call for ban for reforged?
Better ai… can be discussed and ok for me as long as old versions still there
changing pahing will mean entire new game mechanics so its overkill and will be called as %100 remake
item slots? it will be about game balance and patches not remaster stuff. what you gonna cry havoc if blizzard decide to incrase base dmg of footman by 1?

all I see from your posts is you want game die again as starcraft remastered did
like dark souls remastered did
dont you see fate of games that refused to fix ANYTHING! they all meant nothing!
any your examples has nothing to do with 12 unit selection… pathing is diffrent story %100
and 12 unit selection also %100 diffrent than balance changes
are you gonna support blizzard if they said “you can only choose 3 units at once”?

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I don’t think this is comparable at all with pathing in this game. It is much more closer to Hotkeys and these will be completely revamped.

This isnt even remotely true at all. SCR and in fact the orginal broodwar prior to the remaster are not “dead games”. In fact SC2 was not well received in Korea intentionally, which is star craft mecca, specifically BECAUSE they changed so much from brood war and for many years the original was more popular then the “modern” sc2. To this day broodwar(now SCR) is played almost much as SC2 and has a huge following. The original WC3 is still hugely popular and has competitive tournaments to this day.

The reason for this, and the reason the game is worthy or a remaster, is because the games never “died” because they had a formula that worked and stood the test of time. And you are actually confused why people are hesitant to support changes to that gameplay? Please think rationally and stop lashing out at people with false claims because they disagree with you. Trying to claim SCR is a dead game because it didnt change anything is utter nonsense.

let me guess: you are type of person gonna riot if they let us change hotkeys to Q W E R? :slight_smile:

Do you have an argument or are we resorting to ad hominem at this point? I rather not have the thread derail.

I allraedy gave my argument multiple times

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Then stay quiet until you have anything meaningful to say. Posting BS like “let me guess: you are type of person gonna riot if they let us change hotkeys to Q W E R?” or “all I see from your posts is you want game die again as starcraft remastered did like dark souls remastered did dont you see fate of games that refused to fix ANYTHING! they all meant nothing!” does not further the conversation and just drags it down because you are butt hurt people may disagree with you, Insinuating like we actually want the game to fail or some nonsense. This is a remaster of a classic game so yes there will be a “purist” part of the community that wont want changes to the game. But that does not mean they are trying to undermine anything.

Now I will take my leave as I said what I think on this matter anything further would just be rehashing and I dont want to derail a legitimate discussion further with this.

I absolutely agree!
This is a basic quality of life change, just as the possibility to have group controls for units (the function SC2 added so you may click on the group control number and get quick control of that unit group).
This is a needed step to bring the game into the modern era.


do you know what?
this thread is opened by someone who want this to stay
but do you know most intresting this?second post disagreed with this and got more hearths
taking more likes than op can be challanging…
this alone can prove most of people who come here to give feedback want this to change. either like it or not this is what community wants


It’s not what the community wants.
How long have you been a part of the community?
For many of us we’ve been a part of this community for over a decade, not just days.

This is a big deal to change and not necessarily for the better.

Look what happened to World of Warcraft after making so many quality of life changes and updates…

Now we’re making World of Warcraft Classic to get rid of all of that garbage and play the game people actually loved.

I have been playing this game for years!
YEARS! just like you
and I allways hated 12 unit selection but understood why its there:it was there because limited game engine. because blizzard was unable to set infinite army selection back in day
now? there is no such thing
before “assuming” people that they are part or not of community better start respecting
I grown up with campaign,1v1 and metastatis/life of a peasant/dota of this game! THIS WAS MY LIFE!
and I dont allow me to anyone call me newbie here.
by the way what are you gonna do if I set macro on my computer that does “press 1+right click,2+right click,3+right click” whenever I press 6 on my keyboard? what I just did literally choosing my entire army
are you gonna rage? gonna cry? this is not cheating and blizzard cannot prevent this since this is not diffrent than using mouse at ps4 games(yes you can do that) its a decision.
and by limiting this you are limiting people who can have this decision

by the way: I think comparing a game that is most successful MMORPG in history of human existance and that still being most successful is a bad idea at your side since this proves wow doing right thing with quality of life decisions


I think you’re outing yourself and making your opinions seem a lot less valid…

Good luck buddy!