Don't increase 12 for ladder

if this is not a good strategy, not offering any benefit to gameplay and not harming you anyway WHY THE HELL you rejecting idea that will help people to start game from begining?
is it bad thing if game is easy to learn hard to master? like starcraft 2? is this really problem with you?
or what? are you scared that new players gonna crush your soul when they become good? are you afraid of competition? :slight_smile: you are funny
you literally saying “I dont want new players come and play warcraft 3”

you literally saying “this strategy helps noobs to play game better. I want them suffer so I dont want this”


Exactly mate, selecting all units and A-moving around will NEVER be the best strategy on this game, this is one of the most intensive micro focused RTS ever made, allowing new players to be confortable with the game won’t ever change that. Hell, you even brought up splitting which is an actually impressive, powerful and cool mechanic that is natural to the game.

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you can still do that even if we remove the 12 unit limit

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Its unlikely the 12 unit cap will be removed as the devs have stated they have little interest in changing the core gameplay. SC also had the 12 unit limit retained in its remaster as well as other “features” like the horrendous unit pathing and AI because they wanted to preserve the same gameplay experience and also the game was balanced around it at the competitive level. It is very likely reforged will follow the same philosophy of avoiding any changes to gameplay and restrict changes to cosmetic things like the UI and unit models etc.

Its not really a question of “what does the 12 unit cap add to the game” but more of thats just they way wc3 has always been played and thats what the community and pro scene is used to. Some will obviously find this reasoning insufficient but as was already pointed out this is a remake and the goal is not to start messing with core gameplay mechanics, the goal is to make the game look pretty and run smoothly on modern systems and take advantage of modern graphics tech.

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well as long as its possible I will keep supporting idea when I see so …


it still wuld help custom game alot if they add it


There is no reason not to increase the 12 unit cap. It doesn’t take anything away.


how the hell would that RUIN the game?


SC and WC are very different games.

I really don’t feel like removing the unit cap would have much of an impact: Bad players would probably be trapped in grouping all units together and having worse micro, good players probably will rarely have more than 12 units per group outside of very high food games or when massing low food units.

I think no cap, or at least 16 unit cap, would be a net positive for the game. This isn’t starcraft where uncapping unit selection would make you able to 1 click 400 zerglings when you cant even group half of your army with 10 control groups of 12 units.


Your point? In terms of how the remaster in being handled the approach they are taking is the same as how they did SC. You can reference grubbys twitch stream from blizzcon as well as comments the devs made where it was stated that they dont have any immediate intention to change gameplay elements and that we should look to how SC was done to get an idea for what they wanna do with reforged.

All current indications point to that altering control groups or anything else related to gameplay mechanics will go untouched. Of course they could always change their minds in the future but I doubt it as even something as minor as control groups can alter how the game is played on ladder and at the competitive level and there is really not much added bonus to increased control group size other than making it easier to A move your whole army.

Personally It does not really matter to me if they increase control group size or not, I am just saying that based on how SC was redone and current dev comments its unlikely. The philosophy blizzard seems to follow when it comes to redoing classic games is to preserve the core gameplay experience from the original by making little to no changes to mechanics. This implies that control groups that help dictate how players control and micro their army are unlikely to change.

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I’m playing both SC2 and war3 at the same time…man, it hurts whenever I switch to war3 due to the limit cap… please remove it


I think the 12 unit limit should be removed based on what other people have said before.

  1. If the first unit group has 13+, it forces you to make two unit groups to avoid units of different types bleeding into another unit group (feels weird if you have like 13 riflemen, so one of your rifles is in the footman unit group)
  2. It adds an unnecessary burden to new players. I get the need to show skill, but I don’t think frustrating new players with a 12 unit selection limit is the way to do it.

The point is that people pointed out how impactful this change would be on SC, but people are yet to give a reasonable explanation on how this will truly affect high level play.

If there was a compelling argument to keep it other than mindless purism I would be on your side, so I ask again: change my mind.


Its not my job to change your mind and I have no side for you to be on or against. I am simply stating again that its unlikely that gameplay mechanics will be changed in the remaster based on what we have seen from the previous remaster and current dev comments. They also want to keep reforged compatible with the original WC3 so that people with both versions can play with each other which further implies that gameplay will be untouched.

People seem to be under the impression that reforged is some kind of total revamp opportunity for WC3 when in reality it will end up being little more than slapping a new coat of paint on an old game and adding it to the launcher in the same way they did with SC. If you are expecting more than that then you will most likely be disappointed.

Actually, there you are wrong. While you are indeed right, that it is quite likely that they won’t change the unit selection limit (even though I think they should), this is still definitely more than what SCR was. They have already stated that this is more of a remake than just a remaster (that’s why they call it Reforged, as it is somewhere between a remake and a remaster). While they are going to leave most of the gameplay itself alone, they are still redoing whole bunch of other stuff, like redoing most of the campaign missions (some of them totally from the ground up, like we saw in the Straholme demo) and also the World Editor is going to get a lot of fixes and additions. They even said that extra content is possible if everything else goes well.


How does removing an arbitrary limit of unit selection make warcraft3 less warcraft3?

It’s artificial difficulty, there’s no reason to limit it to 12 or to have a limit at all. If they remove it, you will still be able to make groups of 12 units, if that’s what you like, but don’t force the others to do the same.

Like they said, this is a barrier for new players. I have the impression that you want people to have to go through the difficulty and clunkiness of learning how to 12 group, just because you did.


I’m asking for one, one example on how it would interfere with high level play, but it seems that nobody in this thread, forum or even at Reddit has a reason other than the purist speech.

I didn’t play WC3 with proper hotkeys and I’m fully expecting them to have a minimum of confort coming back, and I can’t see the difference between these two.

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he is just too salty :stuck_out_tongue:

Increase it’s 2018… We need improvements…