Don't increase 12 for ladder

This is a remaster not Warcraft 4.
Keep 12 for ladder.
The same team that made SC1 remaster you say? Then they know that everything, gameplay related, must remain the same, including the silly bugs that absolutely are a feature at this point.

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That’s ridiculous. Of course it can be made to match any amount of units.

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WHY IT MUST REMAIN SAME? Other than nostalgia no one is capebla of giving a single reason why? do you want to harm the chance of finding new players of warcraft 3 that much? do you want it to become abandoned right after its relased that much?
do you think people want it to be gone for themselves? to have advantage over anything? well tell me someting being able to choose entire army gives no advantage! it makes game easier to play for new players thats all
Demanding it to stay without any proper reason is selfish! especially while people giving tons of reason why it should gone!


You can be salty all you want, I gave my reasons, which you conveniently ignored.

This is a remaster, and just like SC1, gameplay features must remain the same.


12 unit selection is not a feature, its a silly constraint from the early days of the last decade.

for alot of players (me included) the 12 unit selection in sc1 remaster was really hard to cope with and i would enjoy the game more, if i could select more units, especially with zerg. but as sc1 is “pro scene only” at this point, i can happily accept the 12 unit selection remains in sc1.

but wc3 is a different animal. wc3 reforged might come in like a wrecking ball - there are no competing RTS games, except for sc2. and at this point im pretty sure warcraft reforged can easily overcome sc2 in players numbers.

one way to drive away new players is that 12 unit selection cap.

except for those “it has always been there” people, no one wants it.


as we are saying we may aswell have a classic mode and modern mode and both should have ladder for those who want a 12 unit limit ladder and those who want the 12 unit limit remove in a ladder it may divide some players but it help for both sides and remaster wuld be warcraft 3 hd not reforged

you didnt give ANY reason! “this is not warcraft 4 " is not a reason
then I can claim “this not warcraft 3 :reign of chaos/frozen throne.”… even blizzards says " its not a remake but more than remastered”.

give us A REAL REASON! like “if you add this then it will effect gameplay by this reason” or “if you allow it this will be abused like this”


Is it even possible to add more than 12 though?
Without having to rework the whole game engine?

I think it should be possible to work on engine to allow it
ofcourse it may or may not cause unintented results
if thats case I am ok with 12 units
but if possible it should be allowed! IT MUST BE

Well, they kinda are doing it anyway. Also, I’d imagine that kind of change shouldn’t be super hard.


They will not… and should not change a 15 year old game so that maybe “new” people can enjoy the game.
Makes no sense to change fundamental elements of a game that we all played and loved to attempt to get new players.

Sorry… but not sorry

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but changes happans anyways we gona the the skins over skin on like use arthas instead of uther in normal games so ofc changes already happans dont let your closed minded nostalgia take over 12 unit limit removed is not a big deal


I challenge you on that fundamental claim. Why would it be less Warcraft if I can get all my units on the same control group?


ok that was most SELFISH thing I ever heard
you want game to be so special to you… you dont even want it to be improved? holy…

I didn’t say it would be less Warcraft. All I said is they should not change fundamental functions of a 15 year old game to make it “noob” friendly…

You clearly want WC4, so do I ! BUT this is WC3 - R

nope this has nothing to do with new units

You sound very hurt by my opinion…
“Most Selfish thing I have ever heard”

Your funny

if they made new factions that is warcraft 4 but removing 12 unit limit does not

Honestly… in the end removing limits and allowing a “select all” only makes it easier for people to do AOE spells on your army… Although it makes it easier to play… it makes it easier to die?

One thing I learned from 20+ years playing RTS.

that was always possible! removing the 12 unit limit does not stop people move unit diffrent or do you prefer to put 20 footman following your hero while you dodge with the other 12 unit and the 20 footman that follows get killed becus of that