Don't increase 12 for ladder

These deluded NPCs will justify any position, their mind is like a dishonest lawyer

OBVIOUSLY the 12 unit selection limit should be removed, completely, but give people an option to enable it if they want to… that would be a perfect solution

It does matter, that’s why it shouldn’t be wasted on pressing 4 buttons to select your army

This is entirely your opinion. I do not believe the unit selection should be removed as it requires more skill to control your army. I love the game the way it is because it is not easy, it requires practice, understanding and skill to be good.

Im sorry that all of you want to push F2 and control your entire army, if you don’t understand why this is “noobish” and will change competitive game play I cant help you.


“It takes more skill to press 3 buttons to select your army than 1, and it would be good for the game”

Notice how you’re pre-destined to defend the system that already exists, and would never argue starcraft 2 needs to have control groups?

I’ve changed my mind. I now believe the 12 unit selection should be removed for ladder.

This comes down to a question of what WC3R should be about. Is it (a) preserving the old WC3 experience exactly as it was (like SCR), or (b) updating and improving the WC3 experience?

Given that there has recently been a large number of balance changes, and that balance changes will continue into the future, the answer is (b).

Since Blizzard is improving WC3 with WC3R, we should think of it as a modern game. It would be completely unacceptable for a modern game to have a 12 unit selection limit.

Therefore, the 12 unit selection limit must go.


I find hilarious how people think they are superior because they use primitive system. Why use forks when you can eat with your hands?

It doesn’t matter, they already stated that they will make two ladders. Enjoy that empty ladder.

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I dont compare SC to WC as they are entirely different games. I dislike SC2 F2 function however I understand why its part of the game. SC you can have almost 5x the amount of units and is much more macro intensive game.

Unfortunately it isn’t quite that simple, because it uses the same engine as classic war3. And that would mean classic war3 has to be modernized as well.

However I think it shouldn’t exist if it doesn’t have to. I’d rather spend my time micromanaging units better to make games more interesting than being partially skill blocked because of control groups. I hate it when the control scheme gets in the way of playing the game to its full potential… it needs to feel natural and fluid.

Brass, I wouldn’t want to play in the silver league anyways…


So, you believe that whoever uses large army selection is unskilled, yet you keep crying for the limit. Way to contradict yourself. Clearly, you are the brightest crayon in the box.


I do not understand this.

I’m actually not surprised.

You bring up a good point as this game is compatible with the OG War3, that would require the original game to also be updated to be compatible.

I like the idea of increasing the unit selection from 12 to 16 or so, however I am strongly against an unlimited selection.

Classic WC3 is getting modernized anyway. It’s also getting balance changes. Both should have unlimited unit selection.

Maybe add a custom map option if enough people say they really, really want to play the old way.

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think of it like this have a classic toggle to play with the old war3 game while modern toggle to play with the reforged with unit limit gone

To me, 16 is no different than unlimited. I don’t think I’ve ever needed more than 14 slots in a group. It’s purely based on the number of different types of units you make. Usually units that have spells are grouped in separate groups. It’s just annoying to have to have two control groups for my mass early game footies or late game bats or gyros, or other noob strats. :wink:

Keep in mind this wouldn’t effect pros, as they know how to make proper unit type ratios and control them properly.

y and unlimited unit wuld open alot more for story mode and custom games becus most people play the custom game with 1unit like tower defense or 1 hero becus of the limit!
but for it to not be in ladder then it wuld not ecourage new players becus they start learning the game from story mode!
and wc3tutor has some good points abut this in another post! but his idea works best with the 12 unit limit removed!

To be fair Eigenscape, the unlimited option should be for Custom not for Ranked game play.

i hear you say it alot but i do feel like we wont get new competitive players so we end up watching the same players and the tournaments wont grow much becus the 12 unit limit wich is why we should have sepreated ladders with the 12 unit limit the story mode will feel abit less fun for new player and returning players that have tasted the ulimited unit limit! it is more selfish to not try to increase the player base and as i say again they need to make a beta with this to be tested

some people dont want the ranked to be touched i get but thats why i push for classic ranked and modern ranked to see what the player base think it more fun becus we all know 12 unit limit is outdated! and i feel like if we keep 12 unit limit we gona may get a phone version of warcraft 3 if u got the news abut multiple phone games and 12 unit limit works better for them there…

Unlimited selection should 100% exist for custom. But it should also be for ranked play for the reasons I’ve given above.