Don't increase 12 for ladder

I don’t want the game play to change, unlimited unit control will change game play… If you truly don’t understand why its because you don’t understand this game.
No offense…

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Well duh it will, but the game has been the same for 15+ years man, it needs to change if it want to thrive not merely survive.

If not for the world editor and the custom map making comunity WC 3 would have died years ago

With all do respect, what you need is WC4.


Yea big fat chance of that happening
More likely we will be able to play Green TD on mobile from what seen

If they change the limit or not the campaign and the multi limit will have to be the same, because you know they use the campaign to encourage people to multiplayer.

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Not only that but they have to go back to the original wc3 and make the same changes because wc3 is compatible with reforged on ladder.

With all do respect, don’t you need it too ?
I bet everyone here would take a WC4 over a Reforged. We got Reforged, still will be the very best game ever, it only takes some slight touches of modernity.

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I would love WC4, I am DYING for it! But that does not mean I want WC3 changed my friend!

Regardless of outcome, should they change it globally? Or risk dividing the community and just make a toggle on of like the random starting hero?

I think some people are using reforged as a proxy for wc4 tho, hence the big push to “modernize” it. Now increasing control group size is not that big of a gameplay change but I have seen threads of people asking for things like improved unit pathing, better AI etc etc. If some of these people actually got what they wanted it wouldnt even be wc3 anymore because the gameplay would be so different. Modernizing the game is ok as long as you dont start to compromise the identity of the original.

I do agree with that, but let’s face it who want a WC4 that compromise the identity of WC3 either ?

I’ve been dying, for close to 10 years, that they’ll just release a Warcraft 4 that is only an exact rebuild of the 3 with some QoL and modern touches.

Now i can wait another 10 years if Reforged can do that.

Altough I am PRO changing the cap to unlimited, I do disagree with this, it will be a pretty big change
But people say it would be for the worst,I say it would improve the game

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increasing it and removing it are two completely different things

No its really not that big, skilled players are gonna use multiple smaller units regardless of the cap. Its only a change for the amount it clicks it takes to move your whole army from point a to point b. But in an actual fight you will micro smaller groups or individual units. Even on live you see pros rarely have control groups filled up to the current 12 cap.

The only gameplay change presented so far was a composition that could stutter step while controlling the whole army and ignoring small scale micro. I honestly don’t think stutter stepping works like this in the game, perhaps on flying units since they can enter each other’s space.

Other than that there was the extremely abstract “unit production based on 12 unit selection”, which states the current meta is shaped to confort use of units and that argument invalidates changing the number to any other value such as 14 or 16.

My personal favorite is UI issues that unlimited would rise, but even that isn’t hard “counter”.

Well you have to admit that pressing “8” to “12” is unpractical. Even “7” in actual action is not optimal, serves well as a building Cgroup tho.

I know that you can macro those to mouses/keyboards but players tend to use these avaiable keys for something else.

y i noticed alot of those aswell but i will stick with the 12 unit limit cap to be removed! but unit pathing, better AI, new races, new unit and otherstuff wuld need much bigger change and that wuld most likly change the game to much aswell make it a new game! and i think that is to much for the warcraft 3 engine to handle!
thats why the only change should be the 12 unit limit removal!

In my opinion it is better to change the game, adding the capabilities of modern RTS. If you change only the appearance, it will be the same not popular Warcraft3, without new players, without major tournaments. I’d love to see Warcraft3 as popular as Starcraft 2


You’re drunk dude. Such a change would be far from ruining the game. If you base your skill and value as a player around being able to fluidly control 12-unit groups, then you must not be very good.
Ultimately, WC3 is an RTS, and as any RTS, APM doesn’t matter, what matters is your timing (building structures/developing tech-tree), positioning, decision-making (should you expand NOW or later?), resource management, micro and macro skills (that would only get more cumbersome with artificial limits).
Stop being so dramatic about a change that would bring the game closer to modern era. If you can’t adapt (specially to such a quality of life change), you’re not a good player at all.


Hahaha :rofl::rofl: Thanks for this… I was having a rough morning

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