Don't increase 12 for ladder

You already called someone an Imbecil, and been using terms like kiddos, damned casuals and other derrogatory terms but are quick to point out when someone ironically calla you a “genius”

Yep, because yall are nuts for wanting to change core elements and then trying to use fallacies and ad hominems to get people to agree with your horrible ideas.

Fair enough, let me rephrase it (i’m not a native speaker).

If you actually think that because i got a total of 72 units selected by my control groups, my army got 72 units, you’re mistaken and are probably not aware of all the possibilities control groups offer.

Is that clearer ?

Oh you could’ve fooled me. /s

If you actually think that because i got a total of 72 units selected by my control groups, my army got 72 units, you’re mistaken and are probably not aware of all the possibilities control groups offer.

Oh I understand, but there would never be a scenario where that would happen, and thus your fallacy is crap.

Here, lemme just remind everyone before I leave. This is the only thing that matters.


If the only real tangible benefit to unlimited is being able to issue one move command instead of 2-3 when I have a high food army then I dont think its really needed. But the more I think about it I am in favor of increasing to a 16 cap as it offers more leeway in how you set up your groups. But unlimited seems like overkill in my opinion.

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Well, the fact that this scenario can’t happen at your level of play don’t really surprise me, no offense.

A sensed and nuanced remark, what a delight.

MAYBE this is true, but increasing the 12 limit does not lower the APM required for high level play as argued above

Then show us, mr.gosu. Clearly you know something the pros don’t!

Except it does because you don’t need to ctrl group as many units thus lowering the amount of ctrl groups required for units in general thus lowering the mechanical requirement to control units thus lowering the amount of skill required.

The pros are well aware, you on the other hand :confused:

You talk big…show us or shut up.

Except this is false, as argued above

Except it’s simple math??? Hello??? more units in group = less groups required to manage all units HELLO!!!

I don’t have 80% wins on single ladder tho :frowning:

You’re quite the thing, that’s for sure. Once again, removing the limit don’t remove the ability to use X groups. If i can use 7 groups with “12unit limit” why can’t i with “unlimited units”. Again, total nonsense.

Thought so grey, you aint got nothing you faker noob.

You would still use the same amount of groups, only now you cand have a more complex array of groups rather than use a configuration of groups that the game limitations artificially impose on your play style… man you are thick

So…more units per group = same amount of groups

Well now i’ve heard everything. You’re all really low IQ clearly, goodbye.

Basic maths are hard, goodbye !

Way to go bruh, for someone who uses kiddo for an insult you are pretty childish yourself

“man you are thick”
Yet you wanna act tough loser LOL get over yourself. Enjoy dealing with 12 unit groups :slight_smile: