Don't increase 12 for ladder

But no one is taking about removing control groups here. You really don’t get it.

You are by wanting unlimited unit groups. You want to remove upwards of the need for 3+ ctrl groups. That’s removing groups. That’s lowering the skillcap.


No, why would i do that ?

No, because you would still use 7 control groups, just have 3 slots open up for something else


Why would he need to use 7 control groups if he had unlimited selection?
Are you serious or just trolling? I’m gonna leave lol goodbye, have fun kiddos.

I’m gonna make a nice drawing for you to understand.

[10 units] [8 units] [12 units] [1 unit] [12 units] [6 units] [3 building]


[10 units] [8 units] [13 units] [18 units] [5 more specific units] [3 more specific units] [3 buildings]

See ? same number of control groups. More precise grab on my army. Wider field of actions possible in the same second. More usefull APM. Higher skill cap.


In practice not much, only when moving your entire army to a different location.

But then again, why bother with one artificial cap to put another? Balance would allegedly be changed, you would already be reaching the practical limit for moving around.

I mean, I would be happy, but for the sake of argument it is kinda strange.

yikes, that’s a lot of units there, do you even play wc3?

Gotta love that argument

To micro your units during combat pops

Unlimited selection would most likely be used when rallying armies

Do you know that one single unit is not exclusive to one control group ? do you even play war3 ?

I can’t. This is just too funny.

That’s at last two points i can agree on.

what is food cost

why the hell would you ever have that many units on ctrl WTF LOL I feel like you don’t even play the game.

Hey genius. If i put my DH in all of my 7 control groups, do i have 7 DH ?

Resorting to fallacies again are we?

But but… your childhood man

Yeah, idiots trying to ruin integral parts of my favorite childhood game. I wish I could curse on here :slight_smile:

Well if you assume that the units total of my army is the same as the units total of my control groups, i’m actually really tempted too yeah.

Is that even English?