Don't increase 12 for ladder

Oh no! Not the internet bullies that can’t formulate a proper response or reasoning as to why unlimited selection would benefit the game over the current 12 that seems to work for competitive players!

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And you will still have them lol, you can have 20 control groups, even if there’s no limit to them.
But wait, you won’t be able to beat the filthy casuals then :))

And it’ll be dumbing the game down for everyone at that point.

Why put yourself at a mechanical disadvantage if you can just A+move your entire army instead 4Head

I know right ! This Resolve guy is quite a th… Oh wait.

Because this is not SC 2, and you actually need to micro your units. A non-casual player like you should know this.


Which, whew, by allowing unlimited control removes a lot of ctrl group micro and macro. It’s funny you say it’s not like SC2 but you want it to be like SC2???

Are you implying that removing the limit cap is gonna make War3 play like SC2 ?


It won’t be like SC2 even with unlimited selection, unit size, cost, pathing, damage and specially turn rates are impossibly different.


Not really, because of how fast SC2’s units move/how differently they move/how much more macro is required in that game/how much faster that game is in general.

It would have the opposite effect in that it would dumb the macro game down a bit due to less mechanical need to control everything.

Everyone would just control the main army on 1 group, and a few buildings. People would be using like 4 hotkeys max for ctrl groups.

Also, imagine 4’s. Imagine someone massing 2-3 groups of an air unit and just stutter stepping everyone to death with ease because the mechanical requirement to do it right now is much harder.

This is where i think you’re wrong. Really good players will always use all the tools they can at their advantage. If unlimited selection save me 3 hotkeys, i’ll bind these with something else and be even more efficient. That’s how you raise skillcap.

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I mean do we really even need unlimited? An increase to 16 cap would allow you to have even very large armies manged with 2-3 groups which is not bad. And most normal sized armies would be around 16 units or less anyway.

What would be the point of NOT using your entire army on 1 group? Armies don’t get that large in this game in the first place so it wouldn’t be hard at all to micro especially if you just click micro normally.

No, those hotkeys were previously used for something far more mechanically intensive and removing them essentially lowers the skillcap because there’s less buttons to worry about.

Can you precise what is the “something” you’re talking about exactly ?

Control groups??? Isn’t that the entire conversation here? If you remove the need for more control groups, you essentially lower the skillcap because there’s less buttons to worry about.

Okay, that’s what i tho. I maybe wasn’t very clear.

When i’m talking about freeing hotkeys, i’m talking about group control hotkeys.
I personnaly use 7 control group hotkeys. If the removal of the limit save me 3 of these, i can bind it for something else (with other groups) and gain precision on the control of my army.

Is that clearer ?

So you want to make the game easier by removing most of the need for control groups, got it.

How do you even come to this conclusion ? :rofl:

It’s not about making the game easier, it’s about removing the clunckyness of having two groups for “13 units”. This in order to be able to bind more precisely these 13 units with other group hotkeys thanks to the saved hotkeys.
More micro capability, more precise battles, more things happening on the screen making the action harder to analyse => higher skill cap.

Is that a really hard concept to grasp ?

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Remove unnecesarry control groups

How do you not come to the conclusion that removing the need for control groups makes the game easier?

“Is that a really hard concept to grasp ?”

They’re all necessary.
Like I said a million times.

those hotkeys were previously used for something far more mechanically intensive and removing them essentially lowers the skillcap because there’s less buttons to worry about.