Don't increase 12 for ladder

You will still be able to do that with limit being removed.
You won’t be forced into doing it, that is a different aspect, but in order to get the best results, you will still have to do it, and no, it won’t be easier, it will just be different.


EDIT: man, you really cracked me up here. Not trying to ruing anything, I’m just debating you. Sorry if I come of as aggressive, but I am a passionate as you about this :slight_smile: (also, work is boring so I got nothing better to do right now)


No it won’t. The floor will be raised if you allow unlimited selection. Thus, the amount of time required to git gud will be substantially lowered. This would be bad for the game overall. More people would plateau and the skill gap between “good” and “really good” players would be much smaller due to the lack of macro mistakes possible thanks to lesser requirements overall if they raise the limit.

BUT IT WOULD BE MUCH EASIER. How are you not getting that making the game easier for everyone also affects the top level players negatively? It ruins some of the skill required to be good. Simple as that. It’s definitely easier with unlimited units in a group, otherwise you casuals wouldn’t be crying about it non-stop.

Will you address Grubby’s answear or pretend I didn’t reply to you?


Post proof…

His twitter.


P.S. Don’t doxx me plz guys XD

Actually the skill floor will be lowered if you do that, but then again you fail to comprehend basic english. It begins to be really hard “discussing with you”.

Man, you really have some hate in you :joy::joy:
Seriously, you can’t accept the fact that Change is not necessarily bad, especially in this case. The limit is an artificial barrier that requires you to have muscle memory and APM all the while prohibiting innovation and more varied play-style.

And you just dismiss it as “the filthy casuals” and “lowers skill ceiling” (no it does not btw) just because you are nostalgic about the game.

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Making the game easier makes the game harder? Are you ok?

It’s an artificial barrier that makes for more required actions to control your army better than your opponent. Not hard to comprehend. Raising it would make the game easier by default.

“I am cautiously leaning towards 14 or 16 max. Uncapped leads to paging in bottom UI which I’m definitely not a fan of and sc2 has way more units than WC3, doesn’t need it as much” - grubby

Keyword- Cautiously. I don’t think grubby has considered all of the horrible things that may come from having a higher limit. If they were absolutely going to consider doing this, I’d only want +2 units max. Otherwise you’re stepping into things like being able to control armies easier which lowers the skill gap for everyone, making engagements less exciting and accidents less likely.

Man, this is getting embarassing.

Go read about skill floor, skill ceiling and skill gap right now :sweat_smile:


He’s talking about skill floor dude, meaning that the casuals will have an easier time learning, while mastering it (ceiling) will stay the same.

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Pitiful that you have to “embarass” people to try and get a point across because your point is so lackluster in the first place.

You said “allowing unlimited selection won’t raise the SKILL FLOOR, it’ll actually LOWER THE SKILL FLOOR”

Do you even think before you type? Making something EASIER makes the game HARDER? You do realize with a lower skill floor, the skill gap is much larger, thus the game is harder overall? Which wouldn’t be the case if you allowed unlimited selection.

Except it artificially affects the skill ceiling too because of SKILL GAP.

You guys really have no clue about gaming balance and meta/high level play. Simple things like this MASSIVELY change the way games play.

That’s exactly what i said. And i’m also saying that you fail to understand the basic principle of “Skill floor”. Trust me, go get some knowledge before you embarass yourself too much, this is not a personal grudge against you man.

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He is a bit of an archaic fellow, FIGHTING for the childhood :joy::joy::joy:

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Nice red herring with zero actual substance. You’ve just been attacking me non stop and not saying anything of value.

unlimited selection = higher skill floor = hurr durr easier game for noobs = hurr durr makes the skill gap smaller = hurr durr higher level play gets dumbed down in the process

Wow imagine being passionate about a game that shaped your childhood and a bunch of casuals spamming about changing an integral part of macroing in the game to make it easier so they can hang with better players :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well it’s hard to understand “substance” others make when you can’t fully read and comprehend english tho.

Right, right, keep at it with the attacks because you have zero substance to change anyone’s mind into wanting your casualized version of WC3.

Man this is getting funny, so, If I get unlimited unit selections I will stand toe to toe with the pros on ladder? Is THAT what you think it’s going to happen?

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Poor little hardcore “Mr 80%wins” being the victim of the filthy casual which only suggest him to read some definitions…