Defense of the Ancients

Let us kill DotA 2 for good and bring glory to the original map once again!

If its possible to come up with some kind of ranking system , DotA 2 is history.


It should be called DotaR


It should be called Dota 3

Bring back Aeon of Strife


People preferring dota over better custom games heavily polluted the original wc3, just install a free moba and leave us to it

Look, even canned bread is a better use of time.


check this dota reforged video, its not fully updated, needs lots of work.


yeah, it needs deleted.

I’ve never joined a single dota I wasn’t kicked from for simply downloading the game. And it wasn’t internet speed, I’d be 50% in 2 seconds before seeing the main menu. I’ve played many games over the years, and every moba community is the worst type of gaming community.

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You could just go to the website and get the latest version like everyone else. The site was listed right on the loading screen. That way you also knew you got the legit version and not someone’s edited version.

Like I said, not about speed.

Oh and remember those bots that would kick you automatically if you didn’t play that specific version of the game with that specific bot for at least a set amount of games?

Combine that with making a new account every now and then even if you’ve played before. Nobody cares, they just let the bot go.

Fun times.

There’s no such thing as War3 etiquette. War3 itself doesn’t dictate what is acceptable what isn’t. Are you saying that because War3 lets you tower rush that it’s well-mannered to do so?

Shouldn’t matter compared to Warcraft 3 etiquette. If Blizzard lets you download the game ingame, you’re over reacting to kick anyone for that.

Oh wow, look at that. I’m sure this attitude is healthy.

It’s literally only the dota community that acts like such weird elitists for a custom game.

“Veterans.” lmao.

Well yeah. DOTA WAS an elitist community.

And even with its own separate game, it still IS.

Did you just figure this out now?

My posts are clearly influenced by how terrible that community was, so…

Honestly, the worst thing ever was getting on and seeing the list full of trash dota auto hosted by bots. I remember refreshing twice to see nothing but dota on the page.

There’s real good custom games out there. Warcraft 3 isn’t designed specifically for dota. Rather, the opposite around. They should act like it.

Yeah but I didn’t defend the terrible community.

I illustrated how you can play the game without getting kicked, and the reasons why they would kick you for it.

At the time, the mod was not the same as any ol’ casual custom game out there. People were very competitive about it, and there was no matchmaker to speak of. One of the few rudimentary ways to weed out the noobs was to kick anyone who downloaded. That was part of the culture.

“They should act like it” - They kicked you out because you didn’t have the map. Simple as that.

Grow up and get the map. I mean, it’s that simple. I don’t even play DOTA and I’m telling you this, that’s how whiny you are. Someone has to tell it, since you don’t seem to be aware.

DOTA was an elitist community. You aren’t gonna gain any sympathy by telling your sob story of how you were too noob to even join a game.

I mean are you gonna tell me how you were unable to join a Raid group in Vanilla because you really wanted your Paladin to DPS? Yeah, sorry but I’ve got no sympathy for that. There’s a certain way things were run in those days, and if you’re not gonna follow em then it’s your own fault. Yeah, it sucks that was the way things were, but there’s no one to blame but yourself if you aren’t gonna follow the system.

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Good, then we’re on the same page.

Oh wait, looks like you’re a liar and are part of a terrible community.

When something is pure cancer, you don’t take part in it man. Call it whining all you want.

Yeah but look how you’re acting.

It’s pure cancer. It’s toxic. And you’re spreading BS about how the community was toxic for kicking you out of games, even though there was a legitimate way to play, and everyone knew to go to the website to get the latest map

If you didn’t even get that far to learn to play the game, then it’s nobody’s fault but your own. I mean, this isn’t even like you’re talking about someone talking you down in a game or anything, which I would happily agree with you on. You’re talking about not being able to join the map

And let’s be honest here. You’re a part of the Warcraft community. I’ve seen you talk other people down in other threads about Grom. I’ve seen your toxic attitude too. I’m toxic as well. Are we gonna pretend that this community is all butterflies and rainbows?

Get over yourself :slight_smile:

And that’s all I needed to get across.

That’s called disagreeing, but okay.

That you’re attitude is pure cancer? That you’re toxic? You know that’s what I was talking about right?

Yeah you’re trying to justify toxicity by looking at others.

I’m bringing you down off your high horse.

I explained simply how you would have been able to join a DOTA game. You are the one who is assuming I was defending or justifying toxicity. I’m here to tell you you’re in the wrong place if you’re looking for a gamer-friendly non-toxic environment.

Let me remind you, you’re in the forums.