Custom Keys

How to make custom keys binded to Insert,Home,Page up,Delete,End,Page down and Num lock pad keys?

another lefthanded player left in the dusts by blizzard.

rip my friend.

get used to becoming a clicker because blizzard gives a fck bout us.

the game has allowed hotkey customization since it was originally released in 2002… just read the following guide, it includes inventory keys for numpad and whatever else you want

the above guide sets inventory on TYGHBN which is a bit more convenient IMO, but you can always change it if you want :slight_smile:

i dont want my inventory on numpad i want my grid on numpad…

how i do that? do u have a reddit wiki to read through to get this to work aswell?..

moving the letter keys on to the numpad would be much more difficult… i would advise checking out how my guide differs from the default blizzard grid… my setup doesnt put inventory on numpad it puts inventory on TYGHBN which is the best setup IMO

if you really want to move the letter keys it is technically possible, but it would be a lot of work, putting the inventory on TYGHBN is much much simpler

yeah move the grid letter keys to numpad…how?

why would I explain how when its already explained in the guide? Im not about to rewrite something that is already available for you to read o.O thats why the guide exists

like i said moving letters onto the numpad will be A TON of work, and Im not about to do it for you since NOBODY uses that setup

well where in the guide i find moving letter keys to numpad than?

do I have to point out exactly how to read? the guide is broken up into 3-4 sections, it could not possibly be any simpler.

say i want hold position selected units onto num1

how to fcking do it?

can you be more specific? which part have you tried installing, which part are you confused about? if you cant even handle steps 1 and 2 of the guide then idk what more I can do for you

like I said 3 times now, moving the letter keys onto the numpad is not easy its going to be a lot of work for you, especially since its a horrible idea to play that way lmao

why do you dislike playing with the letter keys? if you move the main hotkeys to the numpad, how will you use ctrl shift or the other # keys? are you 3 handed?

because im lefthanded player since i dont know quake 2 and i started playing mouse left hand and arrowkey+numpad keybinds back than and i still do play all my games like that.

i simply can not change to wasd, try writing with the other hand, you wont make it

and actually there lots of lefthies playing like this:

ok so if you are holding the mouse in your left hand, then your right thumb should be on CTrl and your other right-hand fingers should be on QWER

if you play using Blizzards default hotkeys (or the built-in grid) then the hotkeys for Spells are on ZXCV which SUCKS… i do not recommend playing that way, my guide places the spells on QWER which is more comfortable for reaching Ctrl+# keys

You do know how to use Ctrl + # keys for unit grouping, right?

if you put the main hotkeys onto your numpad, how will you reach Ctrl or shift or tab or esc or F1… i dont get it… you realize theres 12 main hotkeys right? QWER ASDF ZXCV how would that fit onto a 3x3 numpad?

You cannot play an RTS as if its a FPS just get that out of your head

nono, my hands are where they belong it is about blizzard to JUST BRING A FCKING KEYBIND MENU…than like every single other game which released the past 10 years.

it is not about me to be forced to change my playstyle and get mindfcked by it, it is about blizzard just making keys bindable. simple as that.

yep i cant help you then, because you dont even understand what im explaining… maybe try re-reading what I just wrote and give it a try because my guide is very helpful even for lefties lol

you couldnt even answer my questions about how you are reaching Ctrl + # if you want letter keys over on your numpad… can you answer me that?

your right thumb should be on Ctrl and the rest of your fingers go on QWER thats how you play an RTS… this isnt a FPS, its funny though cuz I play a lot of shooters and sometimes melee is B and reload is L2 or other games have melee as R2 and reload is B or whatever and nobody complains about that lol

dude i can play starcraft just fine, i can play c&c just fine…actually i play all rts pretty fine…why? because i can just keybind all the keys.

can you please just answer my one question… PLEASE???

its very important to understand this

can you please explain to me how you will reach Ctrl + # keys when using the numpad? and how often do you use Ctrl shift tab Esc F1 or the # keys ?

triggerd asf

Thank you for showing some maturity and answering my question, now maybe we can have an actual conversation that moves forward.

Look I understand if you are “set in your ways and unwilling to change” i hear that from people all that time, and thats your choice. thats not something i can force you to do.

However. I can not help but emphasize how important it is to stop using the arrow keys to move your camera. Camera panning or scrolling should be done with the mouse. I get that you will disagree. I know you dont want to listen to me. But thats how every highly skilled player controls the screen is with the mouse and not the arrow keys. You are only handicapping yourself playing with the arrows keys.

Maybe you are not a competitive player, maybe you only play custom games, and thats fine. But man o man this is an RTS not a FPS

You wont find one video or guide showing how to play WC3 with the arrows keys, its just not done

i can not help but emphasize how important it is blizzard fix this game.

just make a keybind menu, like every other game
