Comparison of war3 (1.35&2.0) videos with low fps

What is the control variable method and what is its definition.

OK so here you have a fundamental non-understanding of how computers work.

MY fps will not change the same amount as your FPS, because we dont have the same hardware.
You can not tell me how much FPS I will get. Only I can tell that. Unfortunately for you I’m not going to try to find 7 other people to play this ma.

Your map works fine on my PC. You don’t get to decide that for me.

I hav eplayed 20 player maps with 100s of units on screen and get more than 10 FPS. so… you are wrong.


In physics, for problems involving multiple factors (variables), the method of controlling factors (variables) is often used to turn the multi factor problem into multiple single factor problems. The method of controlling variables involves changing only one factor at a time while keeping the other factors constant, in order to study the impact of the changed factor on things, studying it separately, and finally solving it comprehensively. It is an important thinking method in scientific exploration, widely used in various scientific explorations and experimental research. [1]

The method of controlling variables involves changing only one factor at a time while keeping the other factors constant

This is not a physics problem. you can’t quote the dictionary on me, that will not work.

This game does not use all of my computer’s power. Neither 1.35, nor 2.0.1. I have way more power than this game needs. How much more is going to determine how much the FPS changes. And since my PC is probably better than yours (though again, I don’t know so I’m just guessing because YOU STILL REFUSE TO TELL US), it loses less FPS when lots of things happen.

Wow, now i’ve seen everything, someone using physics to try to tell me how computers work. LOL

You can’t understand this sentence

Using the same computer
Using the same map
However, using different versions of War3

Here, using different versions of War3, this is the variable

Obviously, you don’t know what the control variable method is

No, it’s not the variable. You do not understand how computers work.



I am 100% convinced at this point you are simply taking me for a ride and don’t actually care to discuss the problem at all.

You said you knew about the method of controlling variables, but what you’re saying now has proven that you don’t know what the method of controlling variables is
I can give you a very simple example
If there are two identical kettles, one filled with water and the other without water, the final weight of the two kettles will be different
Obviously, the variable is whether water exists or not

I do know how to control variables. You do not. You have not demonstrated that you do. If you did, you would list all of the variables. There are more variables than “the version of the game.” You do not understand this. Or you are trolling.

I am done with you, your refusal to post your system specs after 68 posts tells me that you are deliberately not cooperating. No one can trust you because you refuse to provide basic infos that anyone else could easily provide.

So I use the same computer, War3 2.0 version, and open different maps. Obviously, I will get different fps
So, the variable is map

On a deeper level,
If I use the same computer and map, but with version 1.35 and 2.0.
So the variable is the game version

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There is no reason to talk to you when we don’t know what computer you have.

It is that simple. Tell us your computer. I’m still waiting.

We can not identify the problem with FPS numbers alone. We. Need. Your. Computer. Info.

we’re not asking for social security numbers or drivers license or mother’s maiden name or anything personal to you. This really isn’t hard, and yet you still don’t do it.

You don’t know

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No. Your logic is wrong. The variable could be anything. It could be your CPU. it could be your GPU. it could be your memory. It could be anything.

Like I said: My computer runs both versions with lots of FPS.

Yours does not. That means, it is a hardware problem not a game problem.

I do know.

I still dont know what part of this you are not understanding. my PC does not run 1.35 game significantly better than 2.0.1.

Yours does.

Therefore: the reason is the hardware in our machines.

If only i knew what yours was, I could potentially help you! but since you refuse, I guess you can just suffer with 5 FPS.

So I use the same computer, War3 2.0 version, and open different maps. Obviously, I will get different fps
So, the variable is map

On a deeper level,
If I use the same computer and map, but with version 1.35 and 2.0.
So the variable is the game version

Do you think this analysis is correct

It is not correct, and posting it 20 more times will not make it more correct.

You leave out essential information. This is why it is not correct.

You are doing this on purpose.

Your answer is enough to prove that you are a human who does not understand the method of controlling variables

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I fully understand the method of controlling variables. You do not, because you have not listed all of the variables.

You can not make me look stupid by repeating the same nonsense over and over.

You think because you get different performance in different game versions, that the only reason can be the game version. But there are many things that can cause performance to be different. You fail to understand this.

You have not listed all the variables that can affect how the game works. Therefore, your analysis is incorrect.

I took multiple college-level science courses where we use the scientific method to reach conclusions. I am a human who knows how to control variables. I have a College Degree which proves that. Can you claim the same?

To indulge you for one moment:

Within the confines of your own PC and not considering any other, yes, your PC runs the two games differently and one gives better performance. That is not what I am disputing.

What I’m trying to tell you is this: These differences can be because of how the game interacts with YOUR SPECIFIC HARDWARE.

Other people have different hardware, and their performance will not change in exactly the same way as yours did. Therefore, even though YES, your computer gives different performance with 1.35 and 2.0.1, Not everyone is going to have the same problem as you. THAT is what I am trying to explain to you.

Maybe 2.0.1 doesn’t like your particular CPU. or some other piece of hardware. but on my PC, 2.0.1 performs perfectly fine, and I have no reason to use 1.35.

Because we do not know your computer parts, we can not compare our performance to yours or conclude that something is being “de-optimized.” It could be just your specific hardware. The thing is, WE DONT KNOW YOUR HARDWARE BECAUSE YOU WON’T TELL US.

71 fps is fine?
I used to have 200fps (at 1.33), 190fps (at 1.35), 150fps (at 1.36)
But in version 2.0, I only have a pitiful 100fps,
This fully proves that every version update, the game is undergoing negative optimization

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